Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/712

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112 STAT. 1596 PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 Collegiate Initiative To Reduce Binge Drinking and Illegal Alcohol Consumption. 20 USC lOllh. 20 USC lOlli. Certification. composed of individuals selected by the Secretary, which shall include outside readers who are not employees of the Federal Government. The Secretary shall ensure that no individual assigned under this section to review any application has any conflict of interest with regard to that application which might impair the impartiality with which that individusil conducts the review under this section. "SEC. 119. BINGE DRINKING ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES. "(a) SHORT TITLE. — This section may be cited as the 'Collegiate Initiative To Reduce Binge Drinking and Illegal Alcohol Consumption'. "(b) SENSE OF CONGRESS.—I t is the sense of Congress that, in an effort to change the culture of alcohol consumption on college campuses, all institutions of higher education should carry out the lollowing: "(1) The president of the institution should appoint a task force consisting of school administrators, faculty, students, Greek system representatives, and others to conduct a full examination of student and academic life at the institution. The task force should make recommendations for a broad range of policy and program changes that would serve to reduce alcohol and other drug-related problems. The institution should provide resources to assist the task force in promoting the campus policies and proposed environmental changes that have been identified. "(2) The institution should provide maximum opportunities for students to live in an alcohol-free environment and to engage in stimulating, alcohol-free recreational and leisure activities. "(3) The institution should enforce a 'zero tolerance' policy on the illegal consumption of alcohol by students at the institution. "(4) The institution should vigorously enforce the institution's code of disciplinary sanctions for those who violate campus alcohol policies. Students with sdcohol or other drug-related problems should be referred for assistance, including on-campus counseling programs if appropriate. "(5) The institution should adopt a policy to discourage alcoholic beverage-related sponsorship of on-campus activities. It should adopt policies limiting the advertisement and promotion of alcoholic beverages on campus. "(6) The institution should work with the local community, including local businesses, in a 'Town/Grown' alliance to encourage responsible policies toward alcohol consumption and to address illegal alcohol use by students. "SEC. 120. DRUG AND ALCOHOL ABUSE PREVENTION. "(a) RESTRICTION ON ELIGIBILITY. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no institution of higher education shall be eligible to receive funds or any other form of financial assistance under any Federal program, including participation in any federally funded or guaranteed student loan program, unless the institution certifies to the Secretary that the institution has adopted and has implemented a program to prevent the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees that, at a minimum, includes— "(1) the annual distribution to each student and employee of—