Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/764

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112 STAT. 1648 PUBLIC LAW 105-244 —OCT. 7, 1998 (b) ELIGIBILITY FOR GRANTS.—Section 361 (as redesignated by section 301(a)(7)) (20 U.S.C. 1135d) is amended to read as follows: 20 USC 1067g. "SEC. 361. ELIGIBILITY FOR GRANTS. "Eligibility to receive grants under this part is limited to— "(1) public and private nonprofit institutions of higher education that— "(A) award baccalaureate degrees; and "(B) are minority institutions; "(2) public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education that— "(A) award associate degrees; and "(B) are minority institutions that— "(i) have a curriculum that includes science or engineering subjects; and "(ii) enter into a partnership with public or private nonprofit institutions of higher education that award baccalaureate degrees in science and engineering; "(3) nonprofit science-oriented organizations, professional scientific societies, and institutions of higher education that award baccalaureate degrees, that— "(A) provide a needed service to a group of minority institutions; or "(B) provide in-service training for project directors, scientists, and engineers from minority institutions; or "(4) consortia of organizations, that provide needed services to one or more minority institutions, the membership of which may include— "(A) institutions of higher education which have a curriculum in science or engineering; "(B) institutions of higher education that have a graduate or professional program in science or engineering; "(C) research laboratories of, or under contract with, the Department of Energy; "(D) private organizations that have science or engineering facilities; or "(E) quasi-governmental entities that have a significant scientific or engineering mission.". 20 USC 1067k. (c) DEFINITIONS. — Section 365(4) (as redesignated by section 301(a)(7)) (20 U.S.C. 1135d-5(4)) is amended by inserting "behavioral," after "physical,". (d) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS.— The heading for subpart 1 of part E of title III (as redesignated by paragraphs (6) and (7) of section 301(a)) is amended by inserting "and Engineering" before "Improvement Program". SEC. 308. GENERAL PROVISIONS. (a) APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE.—Subsection (a) of section 20 USC 1068. 391(a) (as redesignated by section 301(a)(2)) (20 U.S.C. 1066(a)) is amended to read as follows: "(a) APPLICATIONS.— "(1) APPLICATIONS REQUIRED.— Any institution which is eligible for assistance under this title shall submit to the Secretary an application for assistance at such time, in such form, and containing such information, as may be necessary to enable the Secretary to evaluate the institution's need for the assistance. Subject to the availability of appropriations to carry out