Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/823

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PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1707 " (A) BENEFICIARIES OF EXCEPTION REQUIRED TO ESTAB- USH MANAGEMENT PLAN.After July 1, 1999, any institution that has a cohort default rate that equals or exceeds 25 percent for each of the three most recent fiscal years for which data are available and that relies on the exception in subparagraph (B) to continue to be an eligible institution shall— "(i) submit to the Secretary a default management plan which the Secretary, in the Secretary's discretion, after consideration of the institution's history, resources, dollars in default, and targets for default reduction, determines is acceptable and provides reasonable assurance that the institution will, by July 1, 2002, have a cohort default rate that is less than 25 percent; "(ii) engage an independent third party (which may be paid with funds received under section 317 or part B of title III) to provide technical assistance in implementing such default msmagement plan; and "(iii) provide to the Secretary, on an annual basis or at such other intervals as the Secretary may require, evidence of cohort default rate improvement and successful implementation of such default management plan. " (B) DISCRETIONARY ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONED ON IMPROVEMENT. —Notwithstanding the expiration of the exception in paragraph (2)(C), the Secretary may, in the Secretary's discretion, continue to treat an institution described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph as an eligible institution for each of the 1-year periods beginning on July 1 of 1999, 2000, and 2001, only if the institution submits by the beginning of such period evidence satisfactory to the Secretary that— "(i) such institution has complied and is continuing to comply with the requirements of subparagraph (A); and "(ii) such institution has made substantial improvement, during each of the preceding 1-year periods, in the institution's cohort default rate. " (6) PARTICIPATION RATE INDEX.— "(A) IN GENERAL.— An institution that demonstrates to the Secretary that the institution's participation rate index is equal to or less than 0.0375 for any of the 3 most recent fiscal years for which data is available shall not be subject to paragraph (2). The participation rate index shall be determined by multiplying the institution's cohort default rate for loans under part B or D, or weighted average cohort default rate for loans under parts B and D, by the percentage of the institution's regular students, enrolled on at least a half-time basis, who received a loan made under part B or D for a 12-month period ending during the 6 months immediately preceding the fiscal year for which the cohort of borrowers used to calculate the institution's cohort default rate is determined.