Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/901

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.1. PUBLIC LAW 105-244—OCT. 7, 1998 112 STAT. 1785 degree. The internship program authorized by this subsection shall— "(1) assist the students to prepare for a master's degree program; "(2) be carried out with the assistance of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; "(3) contain work experience for the students designed to contribute to the students' preparation for a master's degree program; and " (4) be assisted by the Interagency Committee on Minority Careers in International Affairs established under subsection (0. "(c) INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ON MINORITY CAREERS IN INTER- NATIONAL AFFAIRS. — " (1) ESTABLISHMENT. — There is established in the executive branch of the Federal Government an Interagency Committee on Minority Careers in International Affairs composed of not less than 7 members, including— "(A) the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services of the Depeirtment of Agriculture, or the Under Secretary's designee; "(B) the Assistant Secretary and Director General, of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service of the Department of Commerce, or the Assistant Secretary and Director General's designee; "(C) the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness of the Department of Defense, or the Under Secretary's designee; "(D) the Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education in the Department of Education, or the Assistant Secretary's designee; "(E) the Director General of the Foreign Service of the Department of State, or the Director General's designee; "(F) the General Counsel of the Agency for International Development, or the General Counsel's designee; and "(G) the Associate Director for Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Information Agency, or the Associate Director's designee. "(2) FUNCTIONS. — The Interagency Committee established by this section shall— "(A) on an annual basis inform the Secretary and the Institute regarding ways to advise students participating in the internship program assisted under this section with respect to goals for careers in international affairs; "(B) locate for students potentisd internship opportunities in the Federal Government related to international affairs; and "(C) promote policies in each department and agency participating in the Committee that are designed to carry out the objectives of this part.". (f) CONFORMING AMENDMENT. — Section 627 (as redesignated by subsection (b)(l)) (20 U.S.C. 1131e) is amended by striking "625" and inserting "626".