Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/218

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112 STAT. 2048 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 (1) in subparagraph (C)— (A) by striking out the second sentence; and (B) by striking out "EFFECTIVE DATE," in the heading; and (2) by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: "(E) EFFECTIVE DATE OF ELECTION.An election under this paragraph is effective as of— "(i) the first day of the first month following the month in which the election is received by the Secretary concerned; or "(ii) in the case of a person required (as described in section 1450(f)(3)(B) of this title) to make the election by reason of a court order or filing the date of which is on or after the date of the enactment of the subparagraph, the first day of the first month which begins after the date of that court order or filing.", (b) CONFORMITY BY CROSS REFERENCE. —Section 1450(f)(3)(D) of such title is amended by striking out "the first day of the first month which begins after the date of the court order or filing involved" and inserting in lieu thereof "the day referred to in section 1448(b)(3)(E)(ii) of this title". SEC. 644. PRESENTATION OF UNITED STATES FLAG TO MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES UPON RETIREMENT, (a) ARMY.— (1) Chapter 353 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the table of sections the following new section:

    • § 3681. Presentation of United States flag upon retirement

"(a) PRESENTATION OF FLAG.— Upon the release of a member of the Army from active duty for retirement, the Secretary of the Army shall present a United States flag to the member. "(b) MULTIPLE PRESENTATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED. — ^A member is not eligible for a presentation of a flag under subsection (a) if the member has previously been presented a flag under this section or section 6141 or 8681 of this title or section 516 of title 14. "(c) No COST TO RECIPIENT. —The presentation of a flag under this section shall be at no cost to the recipient.". (2) The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by inserting before the item relating to section 3684 the following new item: "3681. Presentation of United States flag upon retirement.". (b) NAVY AND MARINE CORPS. —(1) Chapter 561 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the table of sections the following new section: ^§6141. Presentation of United States flag upon retirement "(a) PRESENTATION OF FLAG.— Upon the release of a member of the Navy or Marine Corps from active duty for retirement or transfer to the Fleet Reserve or the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve, the Secretary of the Navy shall present a United States flag to the member. "(b) MULTIPLE PRESENTATIONS NOT AUTHORIZED. —A member is not eligible for a presentation of a flag under subsection (a) if the member has previously been presented a flag under this