Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/236

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112 STAT. 2066 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 (4) Payment for care and services received by eligible individuals who enroll in the TRICARE program under the demonstration project shall be made as follows: (A) First, under title XVIII of the Social Security Act, but only to the extent that payment for such care and services is provided for under that title. (B) Second, under the TRICARE program, but only to the extent that payment for such care and services is provided under that program and is not provided for under subparagraph (A). (C) Third, by the eligible individual concerned, but only to the extent that payment for such care and services is not provided for under subparagraph (A) or (B). (5)(A) The Secretary shall require each eligible individual who enrolls in the TRICARE program under the demonstration project to pay an enrollment fee. The Secretary shall provide, to the extent feasible, the option of payment of the enrollment fee through electronic transfers of funds and through withholding of such payment from the pay of a member or former member of the Armed Forces, and shall provide the option that payment of the enrollment fee be made in full at the beginning of the enrollment period or that payments be made on a monthly or quarterly basis. (B) The amount of the enrollment fee charged an eligible individual under subparagraph (A) for self-only or family enrollment in any year may not exceed the amount equal to 75 percent of the total subscription charges in that year for self-only or family, respectively, fee-for-service coverage under the health benefits plan under the Federal Employees Health Benefits program under chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, that is most similar in coverage to the TRICARE program. (6) A covered beneficiary who enrolls in TRICARE Senior Supplement under this subsection shall not be eligible to receive health care at a facility of the uniformed services during the period such enrollment is in effect. (b) EVALUATION; REVIEW.— (1) The Secretary shall provide for an evaluation of the demonstration project conducted under this subsection by an appropriate person or entity that is independent . of the Department of Defense. The evaluation shall include the following: (A) An analysis of the costs of the demonstration project to the United States and to the eligible individuals who participate in such demonstration project. (B) An assessment of the extent to which the demonstration project satisfies the requirements of such eligible individuals for the health care services available under the demonstration project. (C) An assessment of the effect, if any, of the demonstration project on military medical readiness. (D) A description of the rate of the enrollment in the demonstration project of the individuals who were eligible to enroll in the demonstration project. (E) An assessment of whether the demonstration project provides the most suitable model for a program to provide adequate health care services to the population of individuals consisting of the eligible individuals. (F) An evaluation of any other matters that the Secretary considers appropriate.