Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/399

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PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 112 STAT. 2229 SEC. 2907. ACTIONS CONCERNING RANCHING OPERATIONS IN WITH- DRAWN AREA (a) AUTHORITY TO CONCLUDE AND IMPLEMENT AGREEMENTS.— The Secretary of the Air Force is authorized and directed to, upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary of the Air Force considers just and in the national interest, conclude and implement agreements with the grazing permittees to provide appropriate consideration, including future grazing arrangements. (b) IMPLEMENTATION. — (1) Upon the conclusion of these agreements, the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management shall grant rights-of-way and approvals and take such actions as are necessary to implement promptly this title and the agreements with the grazing permittees. (2) The Secretary of the Air Force and the Secretary of the Interior shall allow the grazing permittees for lands withdrawn and reserved by this title to continue their activities on the lands in accordance with the permits and their applicable regulations until the Secretary of the Air Force has fully implemented the agreement with the grazing permittees under this section. (3) Upon the implementation of these agreements, the Bureau of Land Management is authorized and directed, subject to the limitations included in this section, to terminate grazing on the lands withdrawn. SEC. 2908. MANAGEMENT OF WITHDRAWN AND RESERVED LANDS. (a) IN GENERAL. —Except as provided in section 2916(d), during the withdrawal and reservation of any lands under this title, the Secretary of the Air Force shall manage such lands for purposes relating to the uses set forth in section 2902(b). (b) MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO PLAN. —The lands withdrawn and reserved by this title shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of this title under the integrated natural resources management plan prepared under section 2909. (c) AUTHORITY TO CLOSE LAND. —(1) If the Secretary of the Air Force determines that military operations, public safety, or the interests of national security require the closure to public use of any road, trail, or other portion of the lands withdrawn by this title that are commonly in public use, the Secretary of the Air Force may take such action. (2) Closures under paragraph (1) shall be limited to the minimum areas and periods required for the purposes specified in this subsection. (3) During closures, the Secretary of the Air Force shall keep appropriate warning notices posted and take appropriate steps to notify the public about the closures. (d) LEASE AUTHORITY. —The Secretary of the Air Force may enter into leases for State lands with the State of Idaho in support of the Juniper Butte Range and operations at the Juniper Butte Range. (e) PREVENTION AND SUPPRESSION OF FIRE.—(1) The Secretary of the Air Force shall take appropriate precautions to prevent and suppress brush fires and range fires that occur within the boundaries of the Juniper Butte Range, as well as brush and range fires occurring outside the boundaries of the Range resulting from military activities.