Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/412

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112 STAT. 2242 PUBLIC LAW 105-261—OCT. 17, 1998 and waste management activities necessary for national security programs in the amount of $286,857,000, to be allocated as follows: Project 99-PVT-l, remote handled transuranic waste transportation, Carlsbad, New Mexico, $19,605,000. Project 98-PVT-2, spent nuclear fiiel dry storage, Idaho Falls, Idaho, $30,000,000. Project 98-PVT-5, waste disposal, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, $50,000,000. Project 97-PVT-l, tank waste remediation system phase I, Hanford, Washington, $100,000,000. Project 97-PVT-2, advanced mixed waste treatment facility, Idaho Falls, Idaho, $87,252,000. (b) ADJUSTMENT. — The amount authorized to be appropriated in subsection (a) is the sum of the amounts authorized to be appropriated for the projects set forth in that subsection, reduced by $32,000,000 for use of prior year balances of funds for defense environmental management privatization. Subtitle B—Recurring General Provisions SEC. 3121. REPROGRAMMING. (a) IN GENERAL. — Until the Secretary of Energy submits to the congressional defense committees the report referred to in subsection (b) and a period of 30 days has elapsed after the date on which such committees receive the report, the Secretary may not use amounts appropriated pursuant to this title for any program— (1) in amounts that exceed, in a fiscal year— (A) 110 percent of the amount authorized for that program by this title; or (B) $1,000,000 more than the amount authorized for that program by this title; or (2) which has not been presented to, or requested of. Congress. (b) REPORT.—(1) The report referred to in subsection (a) is a report containing a full and complete statement of the action proposed to be taken and the facts and circumstances relied upon in support of such proposed action. (2) In the computation of the 30-day period under subsection (a), there shall be excluded any day on which either House of Congress is not in session because of an adjournment of more than 3 days to a day certain. (c) LIMITATIONS.—(1) In no event may the total amount of funds obligated pursuant to this title exceed the total amount authorized to be appropriated by this title. (2) Funds appropriated pursuant to this title may not be used for an item for which Congress has specifically denied funds. SEC. 3122. LIMITS ON GENERAL PLANT PROJECTS. (a) IN GENERAL.— The Secretary of Energy may carry out any construction project under the general plant projects authorized by this title if the total estimated cost of the construction project does not exceed $5,000,000. (b) REPORT TO CONGRESS.— If, at any time during the construction of any general plant project authorized by this title, the estimated cost of the project is revised because of unforeseen cost