Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/627

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PUBLIC LAW 105-275—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2457 (2) shall submit to Congress no later than 10 months Deadline, after the enactment of this Act a comprehensive energy conservation and management plan which includes life cycle costs methods to determine the cost-effectiveness of proposed energy efficiency projects; (3) shall submit to the Committee on Appropriations in the Senate and the House of Representatives a request for the amount of appropriations necessary to carry out this section; (4) shall present to Congress annually a report on congres- Reports. sional energy msmagement and conservation programs which details energy expenditures for each facility, energy management and conservation projects, and ftiture priorities to ensure compliance with the requirements of this section; (5) shall perform energy surveys of all congressional buildings and update such surveys as needed; (6) shall use such surveys to determine the cost and pay- back jperiod of energy and water conservation measures likely to achieve the required energy consumption levels; (7) shall install energy and water conservation measures that will achieve the requirements through previously determined life cycle cost methods and procedures; (8) may contract with nongovernmental entities and employ private sector capital to finance energy conservation projects and achieve energy consumption targets; (9) may develop innovative contracting methods that will attract private sector funding for the installation of energy- efficient and renewable energy technology to meet the requirements of this section; (10) may participate in the Department of Energys Financing Renewable Energy and Efficiency (FREE Savings) contracts program for Federal Government facilities; and (11) shall produce information packages and "how-to" guides for each Member and employing authority of the Congress that detail simple, cost-effective methods to save energy and taxpayer dollars. SEC. 311. Section 316 of Public Law 101-302 is amended in the first sentence of subsection (a) by striking "1998" and inserting " 1999". SEC. 312. AMERICAN FOLKLIFE CENTER, (a) FINDINGS AND PURPOSE.— (1) FINDINGS. —Congress makes the following findings: (A) The American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress was created by Congress in 1976, building on the vast expertise and archival material existing at the Library since 1928. (B) As an instrumentality of the Congress, it is fitting that the American Folklife Center should have a direct and close relationship with the representatives of the people, who are best able to oversee the ongoing activities of the Center to preserve and promote the cultural traditions of the people, and to ensure that the resources of the Center be readily available to all Americans. (C) In over 20 years since its creation, the American Folklife Center in the Library of Congress has— (i) increased the size of the Archive of Folk Culture from 500,000 to 1,500,000 multi-format ethnographic items; 40 USC 188b-6. 20 USC 2101 note.