Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 3.djvu/791

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PUBLIC LAW 105-276—OCT. 21, 1998 112 STAT. 2621 HOME investment partnerships progrsim, and the programs for assistance for the homeless under the Stewart B. McKanney Homeless Assistance Act; "(B) to demonstrate that carrying out the plan will not result in excessive duplication of administrative efforts and costs, particularly with respect to activities performed by public housing agencies operating within the boundaries of the jurisdiction; "(C) to describe the function and activities to be carried out by such public housing agencies affected by the plan; and "(D) to demonstrate that the amounts received by the jurisdiction will be medntained separate from other funds available to the jurisdiction and will be used only to carry out the plan; "(8) shall include information describing how the jurisdiction will make decisions regarding asset msuiagement of housing for low-income families under programs for covered housing assistance or assisted with grant amounts under this title; "(9) shall— "(A) clearly identify any State or local laws that will affect implementation of the plan under paragraph (2) and any contractual rights and property interests that may be affected by the plan; "(B) describe how the plan will be carried out with respect to such laws, rights, and interests; and "(C) contain a legal memorandum sufficient to describe how the plan will comply with such laws and how the plan will be carried out without violating or impairing such rights and interests; and "(10) shall identify procedures for how the jurisdiction shall return to providing covered assistance for the jiirisdiction under the provisions of title I, in the case of determination under subsection (b)(4)(B). A plan required under psu-agraph (2) to be included in the application may be contained in a memorandiun of agreement or other document executed by a jurisdiction and public housing agency, if such document is submitted together with the application. "(b) REVIEW, APPROVAL, AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. — "(1) REVIEW. — The Secretary shall review each application for participation in the demonstration program under this title and shall determine and notify the jmisdiction submitting the application, not later than 90 days after its submission, of whether the application is approvable under this title. If the Secretary determines that the application of a jurisdiction is approvable under this title, the Secretary shall provide affected public housing agencies an opportmiity to review and to provide written comments on the application for a period of not less than 30 days after notification under the preceding sentence. If the Secretary determines that an application is not approvable under this title, the Secretary shall notify the jurisdiction submitting the application of the reasons for such determination. Upon making a determination of whether an application is approvable or nonapprovable under this title, the Secret£uy shall make such determination publicly available in writing together with a written statement of the reasons for such determination. Notification. Deadlines. Public information.