Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/706

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112 STAT. 2681-677 PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 time the budget for that agency is submitted to Congress under section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code. (D) CERTIFICATION OF BUDGET SUBMISSIONS.— (i) IN GENERAL.— At the time a National Drug Control Program agency submits its budget request to the Office of Management and Budget, the head of the National Drug Control Program agency shall submit a copy of the budget request to the Director. (ii) CERTIFICATION.— The Director— (I) shall review each budget submission submitted under clause (i); and (II) based on the review under subclause (I), if the Director concludes that the budget submission of a National Drug Control Program agency does not include the funding levels and initiatives described under subparagraph (B)— (aa) may issue a written decertification of that agency's budget; and (bb) in the case of a decertification issued under item (aa), shall submit to the Senate and the House of Representatives a copy of— (aaa) the decertification issued under item (aa); (bbb) the description made under subparagraph (B); and (ccc) the budget recommendations made under subsection (b)(8). (4) REPROGRAMMING AND TRANSFER REQUESTS.— \ (A) IN GENERAL.—No National Drug Control Program agency shall submit to Congress a reprogramming or transfer request with respect to any amount of appropriated funds in an amount exceeding $5,000,000 that is included in the National Drug Control Program budget unless the request has been approved by the Director. (B) APPEAL.—The head of any National Drug Control Program agency may appeal to the President any disapproval by the Director of a reprogramming or transfer request under this paragraph, (d) POWERS OF THE DIRECTOR.—In carrying out subsection (b), the Director may— (1) select, appoint, employ, and fix compensation of such officers and employees of the Office as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Office under this title; (2) subject to subsection (e)(3), request the head of a department or agency, or program of the Federal Government to ' place department, agency, or program personnel who are engaged in drug control activities on temporary detail to another department, agency, or program in order to implement the National Drug Control Strategy, gind the head of the department or agency shall comply with such a request; (3) use for administrative purposes, on a reimbursable basis, the available services, equipment, personnel, and facilities of Federal, State, and local agencies; (4) procure the services of experts and consultants in accordance with section 3109 of title 5, United States Code, relating to appointments in the Federal Service, at rates of