Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/744

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112 STAT. 2681-715 PUBLIC LAW 105-277—OCT. 21, 1998 (g) CLOSINGS. —Real estate closings to complete the conveyance under subsection (a) may be staggered to facilitate the conveyance as agreed to by the Secretary and the purchaser or CFRA. (h) CONVEYANCE TO LESSEE.— I f a lessee purchases a property from the purchaser or CFRA, the Secretary, at the request of the lessee, shall have the conveyeince documents prepared in the name or names of the lessee so as to minimize the amount of time and number of documents required to complete the closing for the property. SEC. 1005. AGREEMENT. (a) MANAGEMENT OF SILO'S CAMPGROUND.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary, acting through the Commissioner of Reclamation, shall— (1) offer to contract with the Commissioners to manage the Silo's campground; (2) enter into such a contract if agreed to by the Secretary and the Commissioners; and (3) grant necessary easements for access roads within and adjacent to the Silo's campground. (b) CONCESSION INCOME. — Any income generated by any concession that may be granted by the Commissioners at the Silo's recreation area— (1) shall be deposited in the Canyon Ferry-Broadwater County Trust; and (2) may be disbursed by the Canyon Ferry-Broadwater County Trust manager as part of the income of the Trust. SEC. 1006. USE OF PROCEEDS. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, proceeds of convey- ances under this Act shall be available, without further Act of appropriation, as follows: (1) 10 percent of the proceeds shall be applied by the Secretary of the Treasury to reduce the outstanding debt for the Pick-Sloan project at the Reservoir. (2) 90 percent of the proceeds shall be deposited in the Montana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Trust. SEC. 1007. MONTANA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION TRUST. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— The Secretary, in consultation with the State congressional delegation and the Governor of the State, shall establish a nonprofit charitable permanent perpetual public trust in the State, to be known as the "Montana Fish and Wildlife Conservation Trust" (referred to in this section as the "Trust"). (b) PURPOSE. —The purpose of the Trust shall be to provide a permanent source of funding to acquire publicly accessible land and interests in land, including easements and conservation easements, in the State from willing sellers at fair market value to— (1) restore and conserve fisheries habitat, including riparian habitat; (2) restore and conserve wildlife habitat; (3) enhance public hunting, fishing, and recreational opportunities; and (4) improve public access to public land. (c) ADMINISTRATION. — (1) TRUST MANAGER. — The Trust shall be managed by a trust manager, who—