Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 4.djvu/967

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PUBLIC LAW 105-282—OCT. 26, 1998 112 STAT. 2699 for the Rogue River National Forest, and by the Bureau of Land Management. SEC. 4. REVOCATIONS. (a) PUBLIC LAND ORDERS. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, to facihtate the sale or exchange of the administrative site, public land orders withdrawing the administrative site from all forms of appropriation under the public hmd laws are revoked for guiy portion of the administrative site, upon conveyance of that portion by the Secretary. (b) EPPECTIVE DATE. — The effective date of a revocation made by this section shall be the date of the patent or deed conveying the administrative site (or portion thereof). Approved October 26, 1998. LEGISLATIVEfflSTORY—Hit.3796 (S. 2513): HOUSE REPORTS: No. 105-561 (Comm. on Resources). SENATE REPORTS: Nos. 105-293 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources) and 105-391 accompanying S. 2513 (Comm. on Energy and Natural Resources). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 144 (1998): June 16, considered and passed House. Oct. 2, considered and passed Senate, amended. Oct. 10, House conciirred in Senate amendment.