Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 1.djvu/915

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PUBLIC LAW 106-65—OCT. 5, 1999 113 STAT. 891 System Administration Act of 1966 (16 U.S.C. 668dd et seq.) and other applicable law. No provision of this subtitle, except sections 3011(b)(5)(D), 3020, and 3021, shall apply to the management of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge. (2) ACTIVITIES AUTHORIZED. —TO the extent consistent with applicable law and Executive orders, the lands withdrawn by section 3011 may be managed in a manner permitting— (A) the continuation of grazing where permitted on the date of the enactment of this Act; (B) the protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat; (C) the control of predatory and other animals; (D) recreation; and (E) the prevention and appropriate suppression of brush and range fires resulting from nonmilitary activities. (3) NONMILITARY USES.— (A) IN GENERAL. —A ll nonmilitary use of the lands referred to in paragraph (2), other than the uses described in that paragraph, shall be subject to such conditions and restrictions as may be necessary to permit the military use of such lands for the purposes specified in or authorized pursuant to this subtitle. (B) LEASES, EASEMENTS, AND RIGHTS-OF-WAY. — The Secretary of the Interior may issue a lease, easement, rightof-way, or other authorization with respect to the nonmilitary use of lands referred to in paragraph (2) only with the concurrence of the Secretary of the military department concerned. (b) CLOSURE TO PUBLIC— (1) IN GENERAL.— If the Secretary of the military department concerned determines that military operations, public safety, or national security require the closure to public use of any road, trail, or other portion of lands withdrawn by this subtitle, that Secretary may take such action as that Secretary determines necessary or desirable to effect and maint£dn such closure. (2) LIMITATIONS.—Any closure under paragraph (1) shall be limited to the minimum areas and periods which the Secretary of the military department concerned determines are required to carry out this subsection. (3) NOTICE.—Before and during any closure under this subsection, the Secretary of the military department concerned shall— (A) keep appropriate warning notices posted; and (B) take appropriate steps to notify the public concerning such closure. (c) MANAGEMENT PLAN. —The Secretary of the Interior, after consultation with the Secretary of the military department concerned, shall develop a plan for the management of each area withdrawn by section 3011 during the period of withdrawal under this subtitle. Each plan shall— (1) be consistent with applicable law; (2) be subject to the conditions and restrictions specified in subsection (a)(3); (3) include such provisions as may be necessary for proper management and protection of the resources and values of such area; and