Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 2.djvu/724

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113 STAT. 1501A-206 PUBLIC LAW 106-113—APPENDIX C for each such parcel during the Appraisal process in the context of the whole estate to be conveyed, through the following, including any combination thereof: (A) conveyance of any other lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary acceptable to Plum Creek and the Secretary after compliance with all applicable Federal environmental and other laws; and (B) to the extent sufficient acceptable lands are not available pursuant to paragraph (A) of this subsection, cash payments as and to the extent funds become available through appropriations, private sources, or, if necessary, by reprogramming. The Secretary shall promptly seek to identify lands acceptable to equalize values under paragraph (A) of this subsection and shall, not later than July 1, 2000, provide a report to the Congress outlining the results of such efforts. (g) As funds or lands are provided to Plum Creek by the Secretary, Plum Creek shall release to the United States deeds for lands and interests in lands held in escrow based on the values determined during the Appraisal process in the context of the whole estate to be conveyed. Deeds shall be released for lands and interests in lands in the following order: Township 21 North, Range 12 East, Section 15, W.M., Township 21 North, Range 12 East, Section 23, W.M., Township 21 North, Range 12 East, Section 25, W.M., Township 19 North, Range 13 East, Section 7, Township 19 North, Range 15 East, Section 31, Township 19 North, Range 14 East, Section 25, Township 22 North, Range 11 East, Section 3, W.M., and Township 22 North, Range 11 East, Section 19, W.M. (h) Section 606(d) is hereby amended to read as follows: "TIMING. — The Secretary and Plum Creek shall make the adjustments directed in section 604(a) and (b) and consummate the land exchange within 30 days of the enactment of the Interstate 90 Land Exchange Amendment, unless the Secretary and Plum Creek mutually agree to extend the consummation date.". (i) The deadline for the Report to Congress required by section 609(c) of the Interstate 90 Land Exchange Act of 1998 is hereby extended. Such Report is due to the Congress 18 months from the date of the enactment of this Interstate 90 Land Exchange Amendment. (j) Section 610 of the Interstate 90 Land Exchange Act of 1998, is hereby amended by striking "date of enactment of this Act" and inserting "first date on which deeds are exchanged to consummate the land exchange". SEC. 347. THE SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT ACT OF 1999. (a) IN GENERAL. — The boundary of the Snoqualmie National Forest is hereby adjusted as generally depicted on a map entitled "Snoqualmie National Forest 1999 Boundary Adjustment" dated June 30, 1999. Such map, together with a legal description of all lands included in the boundary adjustment, shall be on file and available for public inspection in the Office of the Chief of the Forest Service in Washington, District of Columbia. Nothing in this subsection shall limit the authority of the Secretary of Agriculture to adjust the boundary pursuant to section 11 of the Weeks Law of March 1, 1911. (b) RULE FOR LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND. —For the purposes of section 7 of the Land and Water Conservation