Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 113 Part 3.djvu/553

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PROCLAMATION 7185—APR. 16, 1999 113 STAT. 2071 promise of our future. The two newest additions to our park system reflect this grand tradition. Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site in Arkansas pays tribute to the coiu-age and quiet dignity of nine young African Americans who crossed the color line and changed American society forever. Alabama's Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site celebrates the World War II exploits of the all-black Army Air Corps luiit whose members prevailed over prejudice and discrimination in the U.S. Armed Forces to compile a distinguished combat record in defense of freedom. At these and so many other parks and historic sites across the country, the dedicated men and women of the National Park Service preserve America's heritage and teach a new generation the importance of informed and careful stewardship of our Nation's treasured places. Dviring National Park Week, let us give thanks for the wisdom of all those who established our national parks and for the hard work and generous spirit of all those who continue to preserve them for our benefit. Because of their efforts, Americans will always find in our national parks the beauty, inspiration, knowledge, and renewal of spirit that have blessed our national journey for so long. NOW, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM J. CLINTON, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim April 19 through April 25, 1999, as National Park Week. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereimto set my hand this fifteenth day of April, in the year of o\ii Lord nineteen hundred and ninety- nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-third. , WILLIAM J. CLINTON Proclamation 7185 of April 16, 1999 National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week, 1999 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Organ donation is one of humanity's most noble expressions of compassion and generosity. It reflects the extraordinary selflessness of the donor and gives the recipient a second chance to experience life's abundant blessings. For many people across our country, receiving an organ or tissue transplant means relief from suffering and a marked improvement in the quality of their lives. For others, it literally means the difference between life and death. And the demand for such donations continues to grow. In the last six years, the number of people on the national organ transplant list has doubled, from more flian 30,000 in 1993 to more than 62,000 patients today. A new name is added to that list every 18 seconds. Fortimately, thanks to remarkable medical breakthroughs, each of us has the power to improve these troubling statistics. In December of 1997, Vice President Gore and Secretary of Health and Human Services