Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/203

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PUBLIC LAW 106-181—APR. 5, 2000 114 STAT. 167 in air transportation or foreign air transportation, along with comparisons of such measurements to actual measurements taken in public buildings. (4) PROVISION OF CURRENT DATA.— The Administrator shall collect all data of the Federal Aviation Administration that is relevant to the study and make the data available to the National Academy of Sciences in order to complete the study, (b) COLLECTION OF AIRCRAFT AIR QUALITY DATA. — (1) IN GENERAL.— The Administrator may consider the feasibility of using the flight data recording system on aircraft to monitor and record appropriate data related to air inflow quality, including measurements of the exposure of persons aboard the aircraft to contaminants during normal aircraft operation and during incidents involving air quality problems. (2) PASSENGER CABINS.— The Administrator may also consider the feasibility of using the flight data recording system to monitor and record data related to the air quality in passengers cabins of aircraft. SEC. 726. STANDARDS FOR AIRCRAFT AND AIRCRAFT ENGINES TO 49 USC 47508 REDUCE NOISE LEVELS. note (a) DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STANDARDS.— The Secretary shall continue to work to develop through the International Civil Aviation Organization new performance standards for aircraft and aircraft engines that will lead to a further reduction in aircraft noise levels. (b) GOALS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DEVELOPING NEW STAND- ARDS. —In negotiating standards under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give high priority to developing standards that— (1) are performance based and can be achieved by use of a full range of certifiable noise reduction technologies; (2) protect the useful economic value of existing Stage 3 aircraft in the United States fleet; (3) ensure that United States air carriers and aircraft engine and hushkit manufacturers are not competitively disadvantaged; (4) use d3niamic economic modeling capable of determining impacts on all aircraft in service in the United States fleet; and (5) continue the use of a balanced approach to address aircraft environmental issues, taking into account aircraft technology, land use planning, economic feasibility, and airspace operational improvements. (c) ANNUAL REPORT.— Not later than July 1, 2000, and annually Deadline, thereafter, the Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report regarding the application of new standards or technologies to reduce aircraft noise levels. SEC. 727. TAOS PUEBLO AND BLUE LAKES WILDERNESS AREA DEM- Deadline. ONSTRATION PROJECT. New Mexico Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall work with the Taos Pueblo to study the feasibility of conducting a demonstration project to require all aircraft that fly over Taos Pueblo and the Blue Lake Wilderness Area of Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, to maintain a mandatory minimum altitude of at least 5,000 feet above ground level. In conducting the study, the Administrator shall determine whether itinerant general aviation aircraft should be exempt from any such requirement.