Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/317

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PUBLIC LAW 106-200—MAY 18, 2000 114 STAT. 281 not more than 7 percent of the total weight of the good. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, an apparel article containing elastomeric yarns shall be eligible for preferential treatment under this paragraph only if such yarns are wholly formed in the United States. "(IV) SPECIAL ORIGIN RULE.An article otherwise eligible for preferential treatment under clause (i) or (ii) of this subparagraph shall not be ineligible for such treatment because the article contains nylon filament yarn (other than elastomeric yarn) that is classifiable under subheading 5402.10.30, 5402.10.60, 5402.31.30, 5402.31.60, 5402.32.30, 5402.32.60, 5402.41.10, 5402.41.90, 5402.51.00, or 5402.61.00 of the HTS duty-free from a country that is a party to an agreement with the United States establishing a free trade area, which entered into force before January 1, 1995. "(viii) TEXTILE LUGGAGE.— Textile luggage— "(I) assembled in a CBTPA beneficiary country from fabric wholly formed and cut in the United States, from yarns wholly formed in the United States, that is entered under subheading 9802.00.80 of the HTS; or "(II) assembled from fabric cut in a CBTPA beneficiary country from fabric wholly formed in the United States from yarns wholly formed in the United States. "(B) PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.— Except as provided in subparagraph (E), during the transition period, the articles to which this subparagraph applies shall enter the United States free of duty and free of any quantitative restrictions, limitations, or consultation levels. " (C) HANDLOOMED, HANDMADE, AND FOLKLORE ARTI- CLES. —For purposes of subparagraph (A)(vi), the President shall consult with representatives of the CBTPA beneficiary countries concerned for the purpose of identifying particular textile and apparel goods that are mutually agreed upon as being handloomed, handmade, or folklore goods of a kind described in section 2.3(a), (b), or (c) of the Annex or Appendix 3.1.B.11 of the Annex, "(D) PENALTIES FOR TRANSSHIPMENTS.— " (i) PENALTIES FOR EXPORTERS.—If the President determines, based on sufficient evidence, that an exporter has engaged in transshipment with respect to textile or apparel articles from a CBTPA beneficiary country, then the President shall deny all benefits under this title to such exporter, and any successor of such exporter, for a period of 2 years. "(ii) PENALTIES FOR COUNTRIES.—W henever the President. President finds, based on sufficient evidence, that transshipment has occurred, the President shall request that the CBTPA beneficiary country or countries through whose territory the transshipment has occurred take all necessary and appropriate actions