Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/374

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114 STAT. 338 PUBLIC LAW 106-215-JUNE 15, 2000 "(1) No ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE DOCUMENTARY OR DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the Attorney General or the Secretary of State to impose any new documentary or data collection requirements on any person in order to satisfy the requirements of this section, including— "(A) requirements on any alien for whom the documentary requirements in section 212(a)(7)(B) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(7)(B)) have been waived by the Attorney General and the Secretary of State under section 212(d)(4)(B) of such Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(d)(4)(B)); or "(B) requirements that are inconsistent with the North American Free Trade Agreement. "(2) No REDUCTION OF AUTHORITY. —Nothing in this section shall be construed to reduce or curtail any authority of the Attorney General or the Secretary of State under any other provision of law. " (d) DEADLINES. — "(1) AIRPORTS AND SEAPORTS. — Not later than December 31, 2003, the Attorney General shall implement the integrated entry and exit data system using available alien arrival and departure data described in subsection (b)(1) pertaining to aliens arriving in, or departing from, the United States at an airport or seaport. Such implementation shall include ensuring that such data, when collected or created by an immigration officer at an airport or seaport, are entered into the system and can be accessed by immigration officers at other airports and seaports. "(2) HIGH-TRAFFIC LAND BORDER PORTS OF ENTRY.—Not later than December 31, 2004, the Attorney General shall implement the integrated entry and exit data system using the data described in paragraph (1) and available alien arrival and departure data described in subsection (b)(1) pertaining to aliens arriving in, or departing from, the United States at the 50 land border ports of entry determined by the Attorney General to serve the highest numbers of arriving and departing aliens. Such implementation shall include ensuring that such data, when collected or created by an immigration officer at such a port of entry, are entered into the system and can be accessed by immigration officers at airports, seaports, and other such land border ports of entry. "(3) REMAINING DATA. — Not later than December 31, 2005, the Attorney General shall fully implement the integrated entry and exit data system using all data described in subsection (b)(1). Such implementation shall include ensuring that all such data are available to immigration officers at all ports of entry into the United States. " (e) REPORTS. — Deadline. "(1) IN GENERAL. — Not later than December 31 of each year following the commencement of implementation of the integrated entry and exit data system, the Attorney General shall use the system to prepare an annual report to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and of the Senate.