Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/418

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114 STAT. 382 PUBLIC LAW 106-224 —JUNE 20, 2000 "(B) the requirement that the price level for each insured agricultural commodity must equal the expected market price for the agricultural commodity, as established by the Board. " (d) PARTNERSHIPS FOR RISK MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION.— "(1) PURPOSE. — The purpose of this subsection is to authorize the Corporation to enter into partnerships with public and private entities for the purpose of increasing the availability of loss mitigation, financial, and other risk management tools for producers, with a priority given to risk management tools for producers of agriciiltural commodities covered by section 196 of the Agricultural Market Transition Act (7 U.S.C. 7333), specialty crops, and underserved agricultural commodities. "(2) AUTHORITY.—The Corporation may enter into partnerships with the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, the Agricultural Rese£U"ch Service, the Nationed Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, and other appropriate public and private entities with demonstrated capabilities in developing and implementing risk management and marketing options for producers of specialty crops and underserved agricultural commodities. "(3) OBJECTIVES.— The Corporation may enter into a partnership under paragraph (2)— "(A) to enhance the notice and timeliness of notice of weather conditions that could negatively affect crop yields, quality, and final product use in order to gJlow producers to take preventive actions to increase end product profitability and marketability and to reduce the possibility of crop insurance clsums; "(B) to develop a multifaceted approach to pest management and fertilization to decrease inputs, decrease environmental exposure, and increase application efficiency; "(C) to develop or improve techniques for planning, breeding, planting, growing, maintedning, harvesting, storing, shipping, and msirketing that will address quality and quantity challenges associated with year-to-year and regional variations; "(D) to clarify labor requirements and assist producers in complying with requirements to better meet the physically intense and time-compressed planting, tending, and harvesting requirements associated with the production of specialty crops and luiderserved agricultural commodities; "(E) to provide assistance to State foresters or equivalent officials for the prescribed use of burning on private forest land for the prevention, control, and suppression of fire; "(F) to provide producers with training and informational opportunities so that the producers will be better able to use financial management, crop insurance, marketing contracts, and other existing and emerging risk management tools; and "(G) to develop other risk management tools to further increase economic and production stability. " (e) FUNDING.—