Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/467

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PUBLIC LAW 106-224 -JUNE 20, 2000 114 STAT. 431 (1) IN GENERAL. —To coordinate research and development Government programs and activities relating to biobased industrial products organization. that are carried out by their respective Departments— President. (A) the Secretary of Agriculture shall designate, as the point of contact for the Department of Agriculture, an officer of the Department of Agriculture appointed by the President to a position in the Department before the date of the designation, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and (B) the Secretary of Energy shall designate, as the point of contact for the Department of Energy, an officer of the Department of Energy appointed by the President to a position in the Department before the date of the designation, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (2) DUTIES. —The points of contact shall jointly— (A) assist in arranging interlaboratory and site-specific supplemental agreements for research and development projects relating to biobased industrial products; (B) serve as cochairpersons of the Board; (C) administer the Initiative; and (D) respond in writing to each recommendation of the Advisory Committee made under section 306(c). SEC. 305. BIOMASS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD. 7 USC 7624 note. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—T here is established the Biomass Research and Development Board, which shall supersede the Interagency Council on Biobased Products and Bioenergy established by Executive Order No. 13134, to coordinate programs within and among departments and agencies of the Federal Government for the purpose of promoting the use of biobased industrial products by- (1) maximizing the benefits deriving from Federal grants and assistance; and (2) bringing coherence to Federal strategic planning. (b) MEMBERSHIP.— The Board shall consist of— (1) the point of contact of the Department of Energy designated under section 304(d)(1)(B), who shall serve as cochsiirperson of the Board; (2) the point of contact of the Department of Agriculture designated under section 304(d)(1)(A), who shall serve as cochairperson of the Board; (3) a senior officer of each of the Department of the Interior, the EnvironmentgJ Protection Agency, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Science and Technology Policy, each of whom shall— (A) be appointed by the head of the respective agency; and (B) have a rgink that is equivalent to the rank of the points of contact; and (4) at the option of the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Energy, other members appointed by the Secretaries (after consultation with the members described in paragraphs (1) through (3)). (c) DUTIES. —The Board shall— (1) coordinate research and development activities relating to biobased industrial products—