Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/806

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114 STAT. 770 PUBLIC LAW 106-265—SEPT. 19, 2000 5 USC 9001 note. SEC. 1003. EFFECTIVE DATE. The Office of Personnel Management shall take such measures as may be necessary to ensure that long-term care insurance coverage under title 5, United States Code, as amended by this title, may be obtained in time to take effect not later than the first day of the first applicable pay period of the first fiscal year which begins after the end of the 18-month period beginning on the date of the enactment of this Act. Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act. 5 USC 8331 note. TITLE II—FEDERAL RETIREMENT COVERAGE ERRORS CORRECTION SEC. 2001. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) SHORT TITLE. —This title may be cited as the "Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act". (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.— The table of contents for this title is as follows: TITLE II—FEDERAL RETIREMENT COVERAGE ERRORS CORRECTION Sec. 2001. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2002. Definitions. Sec. 2003. Applicability. Sec. 2004. Irrevocability of elections. Subtitle A—Description of Retirement Coverage Errors to Which This Title Applies and Measures for Their Rectification CHAPTER 1—EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN FERS COV- ERED, BUT WHO WERE ERRONEOUSLY CSRS COVERED ORCSRS-OFFSET COVERED INSTEAD, AND SURVIVORS OF SUCH EMPLOYEES AND ANNUITANTS Sec. 2101. Employees. Sec. 2102. Annuitants and survivors. CHAPTER 2—EMPLOYEE WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN FERS COVERED, CSRS-OFFSET COVERED, OR CSRS COVERED, BUT WHO WAS ERRONEOUSLY SOCIAL SECURITY- ONLY COVERED INSTEAD Sec. 2111. Applicability. Sec. 2112. Correction mandatory. CHAPTER 3—EMPLOYEE WHO SHOULD OR COULD HAVE BEEN SOCIAL SECURITY-ONLY COVERED BUT WHO WAS ERRONEOUSLY CSRS-OFFSET COVERED OR CSRS COV- ERED INSTEAD Sec. 2121. Employee who shoxild be Social Security-Only covered, but who is erroneously CSRS or CSRS-Offset covered instead. CHAPTER 4—EMPLOYEE WHO WAS ERRONEOUSLY FERS COVERED Sec. 2131. Employee who should be Social Security-Only covered, CSRS covered, or CSRS-Offset covered and is not FERS-Eligible, but who is erroneously FERS covered instead. Sec. 2132. FERS-Eligible employee who should have been CSRS covered, CSRS-Off- set covered, or Social Security-Only covered, but who was erroneously FERS covered instead without an election. Sec. 2133. Retroactive effect. CHAPTER 5—EMPLOYEE WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN CSRS-OFFSET COVERED, BUT WHO WAS ERRONEOUSLY CSRS COVERED INSTEAD Sec. 2141. Applicability. Sec. 2142. Correction mandatory. CHAPTER 6—EMPLOYEE WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN CSRS COVERED, BUT WHO WAS ERRONEOUSLY CSRS-OFFSET COVERED INSTEAD Sec. 2151. Applicability.