Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 1.djvu/873

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PUBLIC LAW 106-279—OCT. 6, 2000 114 STAT. 837 (3) REPEATED FAILURES TO COMPLY. — Repeated serious, willful, or grossly negligent failures to comply with the requirements of section 203(b)(l)(A)(ii) by an agency or person after consultation between Secretary and the accrediting entity with respect to previous noncompliance by such agency or person shall constitute a pattern of serious, willful, or grossly negligent failures to comply under subsection (c)(1)(B). (4) FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS.— A failure to comply with the requirements of section 203(b)(l)(A)(ii) shall constitute a serious failure to comply under subsection (c)(1)(B) unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that such noncompliance had neither the purpose nor the effect of determining the outcome of a decision or proceeding by a court or other competent authority in the United States or the child's country of origin. SEC. 205. STATE PLAN REQUIREMENT. Section 422(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 622(b)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (11), by striking "and" at the end; (2) in paragraph (12), by striking "children." and inserting "children;"; and (3) by adding at the end the following new paragraphs: "(13) contain a description of the activities that the State has undertaken for children adopted from other countries, including the provision of adoption and post-adoption services; and "(14) provide that the State shall collect and report information on children who are adopted from other countries and who enter into State custody as a result of the disruption of a placement for adoption or the dissolution of an adoption, including the number of children, the agencies who handled the placement or adoption, the plans for the child, and the reasons for the disruption or dissolution.". Records. TITLE III—RECOGNITION OF CONVEN- TION ADOPTIONS IN THE UNITED STATES SEC. 301. ADOPTIONS OF CHILDREN IMMIGRATING TO THE UNITED STATES. (a) LEGAL EFFECT OF CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE.— (1) ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE.— The Secretary of State shall, with respect to each Convention adoption, issue a certificate to the adoptive citizen parent domiciled in the United States that the adoption has been granted or, in the case of a prospective adoptive citizen parent, that legal custody of the child has been granted to the citizen parent for purposes of emigration and adoption, pursuant to the Convention and this Act, if the Secretary of State— (A) receives appropriate notification from the central authority of such child's country of origin; and 42 USC 14931.