Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 2.djvu/250

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114 STAT. 1132 PUBLIC LAW 106-310—OCT. 17, 2000 "(2) the development of a uniform reporting system under which treating physicians, hospitals, clinics, and States report the diagnosis of childhood cancers, including relevant associated epidemiological data; and "(3) support for the National Limb Loss Information Center to address, in part, the primary and secondary needs of persons who experience childhood cancers in order to prevent or minimize the disabling nature of these cancers. "(c) COORDINATION OF ACTIVITIES. —The Secretary shall assure that activities under this section are coordinated as appropriate with other agencies of the Public Health Service that carry out activities focused on childhood cancers and limb loss. "(d) DEFINITION.— For purposes of this section, the term 'childhood cancer' refers to a spectrum of different malignancies that vary by histology, site of disease, origin, race, sex, and age. The Secretary may for purposes of this section revise the definition of such term to the extent determined by the Secretary to be appropriate. "(e) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. —For the purpose of carrying out this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of the fiscal years 2001 through 2005.". TITLE XII~ADOPTION AWARENESS Subtitle A—Infant Adoption Awareness SEC. 1201. GRANTS REGARDING INFANT ADOPTION AWARENESS. Subpart I of part D of title III of the Public Health Service Act, as amended by section 801 of this Act, is amended by adding at the end the following section: 42 USC 254C-6. "SEC. 330F. CERTAIN SERVICES FOR PREGNANT WOMEN. "(a) INFANT ADOPTION AWARENESS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall make grants to national, regional, or local adoption organizations for the purpose of developing and implementing programs to train the designated staff of eligible health centers in providing adoption information and referrals to pregnant women on an equal basis with all other courses of action included in nondirective counseling to pregnant women. " (2) BEST-PRACTICES GUIDELINES.— "(A) IN GENERAL. —^A condition for the receipt of a grant under paragraph (1) is that the adoption organization involved agree that, in providing training under such paragraph, the organization will follow the guidelines developed under subparagraph (B). "(B) PROCESS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDELINES.— "(i) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary shall establish and supervise a process described in clause (ii) in which the participants are— "(I) an appropriate number and variety of adoption organizations that, as a group, have expertise in all models of adoption practice and that represent all members of the adoption triad (birth mother, infant, and adoptive parent); and