Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 5.djvu/822

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114 STAT. 2836 PUBLIC LAW 106-567—DEC. 27, 2000 SEC. 304. NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY VOLUNTARY SEPARATION ACT. (a) IN GENERAL. — Title III of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 405 et seq.) is amended by inserting at the beginning the following new section 301: "NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY VOLUNTARY SEPARATION 50 USC 4Q9a. "SEC. 301. (a) SHORT TITLE.— T his Section may be cited as the 'National Security Agency Voluntary Separation Act'. "(b) DEFINITIONS.— For purposes of this section— "(1) the term 'Director* means the Director of the National Security Agency; and "(2) the term 'employee' means an employee of the National Security Agency, serving under an appointment without time limitation, who has been currently employed by the National Security Agency for a continuous period of at least 12 months prior to the effective date of the program established under subsection (c), except that such term does not include— "(A) a reemployed annuitant under subchapter III of chapter 83 or chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, or another retirement system for employees of the Government; or "(B) an employee having a disability on the basis of which such employee is or would be eligible for disability retirement under any of the retirement systems referred to in subparagraph (A). "(c) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director, in his sole discretion, may establish a program under which employees may, after October 1, 2000, be eligible for early retirement, offered separation pay to separate from service voluntarily, or both. "(d) EARLY RETIREMENT. —An employee who— "(1) is at least 50 years of age and has completed 20 years of service; or "(2) has at least 25 years of service, may, pursuant to regulations promulgated under this section, apply and be retired from the National Security Agency and receive benefits in accordance with chapter 83 or 84 of title 5, United States Code, if the employee has not less than 10 years of service with the National Security Agency. " (e) AMOUNT OF SEPARATION PAY AND TREATMENT FOR OTHER PURPOSES.— "(1) AMOUNT. — Separation pay shall be paid in a lump sum and shall be equal to the lesser of— "(A) an amount equal to the amount the employee would be entitled to receive under section 5595(c) of title 5, United States Code, if the employee were entitled to payment under such section; or "(B) $25,000. "(2) TREATMENT. —Separation pay shall not— "(A) be a basis for payment, and shall not be included in the computation, of any other type of Government benefit; and "(B) be taken into account for the purpose of determining the amount of any severance pay to which an individual may be entitled under section 5595 of title 5, United States Code, based on any other separation.