Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 6.djvu/332

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114 STAT. 3388 PROCLAMATION 7351—OCT. 2, 2000 Annex (con.) 2 (5). Subchapter XVII of chapter 98 of the HTS is modified by inserting in numerical sequence the following new U.S. note and heading: "6 For purposes of beading 9817.22.05. the duty-fiee treatmeot shall apply to liqueurs and spirituous beverages produced m the tontory of Canada from nmi if- (i) such nan is the gro^vth. product, or maniifafiture of a designated Caribbean Basin Economic Recovay Act (CBERA) beneficiary country enumerated in general note 7(a) to the tariff schedule or of the Virgin Islands oftbe United Stater. (ii) such nun is imported directly from a A-rigff«»< CBERA beneficiary country enumented in general note 7(a) to the tariff schedule or from the Virgin Islands of the Umted States mto the tethtory of Canada, and such liqueurs and spirituous beverages are imported directly from the territory of Canada into the nmntn^ territory of the United States; (iii) when imported into the customs territory of the United States, such liqueurs and spirituous beverages are classified in subheading 2208.40 or 2208.90 of the tariff schedule: and (iv) such rum accounts for at least 90 percent by volume of the alcohobc content of such liqueurs and spirituous beverages. Ritn, tafia, liqueurs and ^nrituous beverages, of a type classifiable in subheading 2208.40 or 2208.90 and described in U.S. note 6 to this subchapter Section B Effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawnfiromwarehouse for consumption, on or after the date published in the Federal Register by the United States Trade Represenutive. chapter 98 of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States is modified as set forth herein, with the material in the new tariff provisions being inserted in the columns labeled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", and "Rates of Duty 1-Special". (I). The following new U.S. note is inserted in numerical sequence in subchapter II of ch^ner 98 of the tariff schedule: "7 For purposes of heading 9802.00.80. duty-free treatment shall be accorded to the following artides imported direcay boa a beneficiary United States-Caribbean Basm Trade Partnenhtp Act (CBTPA) enumerated in general note 17(a) to the tariff sdrdulr- (i) appaael articles assembled in one or more such beneficiary countries finm Gifarics«4ioDy fianned and cut in the United States, from yams wholly fanned in die United States (including &hhes not fanned from yarns, if such bbna are classifiable under heading S602 or S603 of cbi^ter S6 and are wboUy fanned and cut in the United States); or (ii) textile luggage assanbled in a '<»-«ign.tM beneficiary country fium fabric wholly formed and cut in the United States, frcm yams wholly formed in the United States. Articles otherwise eligible to enter unda this beading, and which satisfy the conditiops set forth in U.S. note 3 to subchapter XX of this chapter, shall not be ineligible to enter under this heading. Articles coveted by the terms of this note shall be aihnitted into the customs temtory of the Umted States free of quantitative limuntinn^. " (2). (a) The article description of heading 9802.00.80 is modified by insening immediately after "heading 9802.00.90" the expression "and goods imported under provisions of subchapter XX". (b) The Special rates of duty subcolumn for such heading is modified by inserting below the last rate in such subcolumn the expression Tree, for products described in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter".