Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 114 Part 6.djvu/386

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114 STAT. 3442 PROCLAMATION 7383—DEC. 1, 2000 [6203 - 6203.31 6203.31.50 6203.31.90 Ainex(con.) 3 MeD's...(oao.):] [Snit-Qpe...(caBL):| WwDoi orfineaniiiial hair Ofwanted wool fiteic. nude of wool yam having an everagefiberdninrtfT of IS.S microas or less. Other.. 19.3% 19.3% Fiee(CAJL) 6.6% (MX) FRe(CAjL) 6.6% (MX) 59.5% 59.5%" Conforming dianges:(i) subheading 9906.98.02 is modified bystriking "6203.31.00.' and by inaeding in lieu thereof "6203.31.50.6203.31.90."; and (ii) subhewiings 6203.31.50 and 6203.31.90 diaU eadi be aeoopded fte sme sti«ed rednctiaos in Generdiates of duty and in the ^wcialiatescrf'doty acooided to goods ofMexicoOlder the tenns of genenl note 12n>lbe tariff schedule as were preriooalyprachumedforsubheading 6203J1.00. (d) by strfldi^ subbeading 6203.41.15 and by insotiDg in lieu tbcteofdiefollowingnew provisions, with the new superior text insertedat die same level ofindeniationas the aiticle 6203.41.05: (6203 (6203.41 6203.41.12 6203.41.IS Men's...(oaa.): fTnittsen....(can.):] OC..(coiL):J (Trousen....(con.):] -Other Trousers of wanted wool fobtic, made of wool yam having an averagefiberdiameter of 18.5 micnais or leas. Oa»er. _..... 46JMs - ^ 18.2% 46.3^-^ 18J% Fiee(CAJUMX) Fi«e(CAjL>00 S2.9*fl(g + 58.5% 52.9**g+ 58.5%- Coafomang diange: Subheadings 6203.41.12 nd 6203.41.18 diall eadi beaceoRkdthe I l»t.-.irf.4llty.«M»»|»».iin».lyJ»r»-l.i»i««j(fif lllUll aillllH fiTfll 11 11 i***j*"iiiiM iMi^f mGcooal SectimB. EfRxtive with lespect to goods enteiai, or wididrawnfromwareh(wseiivo(»sttinpti(ii.i» after January 1.2001. the hrariings indiefirstcolunin actforthbdow are each modified by strildiig finom die pamithrricalrefeteutesin the aitide deauiptioos die pnwisiaas in the seoood cohmm set foith below, and by inserting in lieu diereof inimmerical sequence the provisions in the third cohmm setfiKdibelow: 9902.51.11 -5112.11.20. or 5112.19.90* 9902.51.12 "511Z11J0. or 5112.19.90* 9902.51.13 - 5107.10.00* -Siail.60or5112.19.9r -S112.11J0or 5112.19.60* -5107.10J0* Sectioa C. Effective widi lespect to goods entered, or wididnwnfiranwaRhouseforontsimptMO, oo or after the date of signature of this prodamatioa, the HTS isfiudierniodifiedas fiiDons: (1) General note 4(d) to die HTS is modified by strildbgdiefollowingHTS subheadings atid die couittiy listed oppositethem: "5208.31.20 Jndia 5208.32.10 Jndia 5208.41.20 Jndia 5208.42.10 Jndia 5208.51.20 Jndia 5208.52.10 Jbdia 5209J1.30 Jndia 5209.41.30 Jbdia 5310.90.00 Jndia" (2) Each of diefollowingHTS subheadings is modified by stnldng.finmdie panndietical expressiaa in the Rates of Duty 1-Special suboolumn, die symbol "A*," and by inserting in lieu thereof "A,": 5208.31.20 5208.42.10 5209J1J0 5208J2.10 5208.51.20 5209.41 JO 5208.41.20 5208.52.10 5310.90.00