Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 2.djvu/941

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- "-:!:^iS|«w*?«?:;? - PUBLIC LAW 107-110—JAN. 8, 2002 115 STAT. 1925 "(c) PAYMENTS TO INSTITUTIONS IN LIEU OF TUITION. —The Secretary shall pay to the institution of higher education at which such a fellowship recipient is pursuing a course of study, in lieu of tuition charged to such recipient, such amounts as the Secretary may determine to be necessary to cover the cost of education provided to such recipient. " (d) SPECIAL RULES. — "(1) IN GENERAL.— I f a fellowship awarded under subsection (a) is vacated prior to the end of the period for which the fellowship is awarded, the Secretary may award an additional fellowship for the unexpired portion of the period of the first fellowship. "(2) WRITTEN NOTICE. —Not later than 45 days before the Deadline, commencement of an academic term, the Secretary shall provide to each individual who is awarded a fellowship under subsection (a) for such academic term written notice of— "(A) the amount of the funding for the fellowship; and "(B) any stipends or other payments that will be made under this section to, or for the benefit of, the individual for the academic term. "(3) PRIORITY.—Not more than 10 percent of the fellowships awarded under subsection (a) shall be awarded, on a priority basis, to persons receiving training in guidance counseling with a specialty in the area of alcohol and substance abuse counseling and education. " (e) SERVICE OBLIGATION.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall require, by regulation, that an individual who receives financial assistance under this section— "(A) perform work— "(i) related to the training for which the individual receives the assistance under this section; and "(ii) that benefits Indian people; or "(B) repay all or a prorated portion of such assistance. "(2) REPORTING. —The Secretary shall establish, by regula- Regulations, tion, a reporting procedure under which a recipient of assistance under this section shall, not later than 12 months after the date of completion of the training, and periodically thereafter, provide information concerning the compliance of such recipient with the work requirement described in paragraph (1). "(f) ADMINISTRATION OF FELLOWSHIPS.— The Secretary may administer the fellowships authorized under this section through a grant to, or contract or cooperative agreement with, an Indian organization with demonstrated qualifications to administer all facets of the program assisted under this section. "SEC. 7134. GIFTED AND TALENTED INDIAN STUDENTS. 20 USC 7454. "(a) PROGRAM AUTHORIZED.—The Secretary is authorized to— "(1) establish two centers for gifted and talented Indian students at tribally controlled community colleges in accordance with this section; and "(2) support demonstration projects described in subsection (c). "(b) ELIGIBLE ENTITIES. — The Secretary shall make grants, or enter into contracts, for the activities described in subsection (a), to or with—