Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 115 Part 3.djvu/678

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en t EnKtpriseswith U.S directly-invested capital shall bepermitted bythe Governnieni or local authorities of Vietnam tolease the land The time period to lease the land shall correspond lothetime oroperation orthose enterprises, and shall be stipulated in their investment licenses. (4) Unbound except measures relating lo entry and temporary slay or natural personsorthe following groups (a) Managets, executivesand specialistswhocan not be substituted by Vietnamese of a company of the US which hasestablished a reprssentaUve office, branch or subsidiary in the territory of Vietnam, temporarilymovingasintracorporate transferees, shall begrantedentryand alongterm staypermit for an initial period of ] years which may be extended subject to the term of operation of those entities in Vietnam; (b) Foreign managers, executives and specialists that pamcipalc in the operation of enterprises willi U.S. directly-invested capital in Vietnam, andwhocan notbesubstituted byVietnamese, slull begranted entryand a long term st;iypermit in coiiTorinily willi the term of the related investment contract or for an iniual period of 3 years whichever is shorter, which may be cxtctuled subject 10 the employment contraa between them and those tDtities, (E) Service salespersons - persons not based in the territory of Vietnam and receiving no remuneration from a source located within Vietnam, and who are engaged in activities related to representing aserviceprovider for ilic purpose oriicfoliiting for the sale of the servicesofthal provider where (i) such salesare not directly made to the general public, and (li) the salesperson u not directly engaged in supplying the service The entry of these salespersons is limited lo a ninety-day period (4) As indicated in the marketaccess to .G3 -