Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/628

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116 STAT. 2220 PUBLIC LAW 107-296—NOV. 25, 2002 (1) review and assess information alleging abuses of civil rights, civil liberties, and racial and ethnic profiling by employees and officials of the Department; and (2) make public through the Internet, radio, television, or newspaper advertisements information on the responsibilities and functions of, and how to contact, the Officer. (b) REPORT.— The Secretary shall submit to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the appropriate committees and subcommittees of Congress on an annual basis a report on the implementation of this section, including the use of funds appropriated to carry out this section, and detailing any allegations of abuses described under subsection (a)(1) and any actions taken by the Department in response to such allegations. 6 USC 346. SEC. 706. CONSOLIDATION AND CO-LOCATION OF OFFICES. Deadline. Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall develop and submit to Congress a plan for consolidating and co-locating— (1) any regional offices or field offices of agencies that are transferred to the Department under this Act, if such officers are located in the same municipality; and (2) portions of regional and field offices of other Federal agencies, to the extent such offices perform functions that are transferred to the Secretary under this Act. TITLE VIII—COORDINATION WITH NON- FEDERAL ENTITIES; INSPECTOR GEN- ERAL; UNITED STATES SECRET SERV- ICE; COAST GUARD; GENERAL PROVI- SIONS Subtitle A—Coordination with Non-Federal Entities 6 USC 361 SEC. 801. OFFICE FOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT COORDINA- TION. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— There is established within the Office of the Secretary the Office for State and Local Government Coordination, to oversee and coordinate departmental programs for and relationships with State and local governments. (b) RESPONSIBILITIES.— The Office established under subsection (a) shall— (1) coordinate the activities of the Department relating to State and local government; (2) assess, and advocate for, the resources needed by State and local government to implement the national strategy for combating terrorism; (3) provide State and local government with regular information, research, and technical support to assist local efforts at securing the homeland; and (4) develop a process for receiving meaningful input from State and local government to assist the development of the