Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 3.djvu/76

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116 STAT. 1668 PUBLIC LAW 107-252—OCT. 29, 2002 Sec. 305. Methods of implementation left to discretion of State. Subtitle B—Voluntary Guidance Sec. 311. Adoption of voluntary guidance by Commission. Sec. 312. Process for adoption. TITLE IV—ENFORCEMENT Sec. 401. Actions by the Attorney General for declaratory and injunctive relief. Sec. 402. Establishment of State-based administrative complaint procedures to remedy grievances. TITLE V—HELP AMERICA VOTE COLLEGE PROGRAM Sec. 501. Establishment of program. Sec. 502. Activities under program. Sec. 503. Authorization of appropriations. TITLE VI—HELP AMERICA VOTE FOUNDATION Sec. 601. Help America Vote Foundation. TITLE VII—VOTING RIGHTS OF MILITARY MEMBERS AND OVERSEAS CITIZENS Sec. 701. Voting assistance programs. Sec, 702. Designation of single State office to provide information on registration and absentee ballots for all voters in State. Sec. 703. Report on absentee ballots transmitted and received after general elections. Sec. 704. Extension of period covered by single absentee ballot application. Sec. 705. Additional duties of Presidential designee under Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act. Sec. 706. Prohibition of refusal of voter registration and absentee ballot applications on grounds of early submission. Sec. 707. Other requirements to promote participation of overseas and absent uniformed services voters. TITLE VIII—TRANSITION PROVISIONS Subtitle A—Transfer to Commission of Functions Under Certain Laws Sec. 801. Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971. Sec. 802. National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Sec. 803. Transfer of property, records, and personnel. Sec. 804. Effective date; transition. Subtitle B—Coverage of Commission Under Certain Laws and Programs Sec. 811. Treatment of Commission personnel under certain civil service laws. Sec. 812. Coverage under Inspector General Act of 1978. TITLE IX—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 901. State defined. Sec. 902. Audits and repayment of funds. Sec. 903. Clarification of ability of election officials to remove registrants from official list of voters on grounds of change of residence. Sec. 904. Review and report on adequacy of existing electoral fraud statutes and penalties. Sec. 905. Other criminal penalties. Sec. 906. No effect on other laws. TITLE I—PAYMENTS TO STATES FOR ELECTION ADMINISTRATION IM- PROVEMENTS AND REPLACEMENT OF PUNCH CARD AND LEVER VOTING MA- CHINES 42 USC 15301. Deadlines. Notification. SEC. 101. PAYMENTS TO STATES FOR ACTIVITIES TO IMPROVE ADMINISTRATION OF ELECTIONS. (a) IN GENERAL. —Not later than 45 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Administrator of General Services