Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/424

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116 STAT. 2852 PUBLIC LAW 107-331—DEC. 13, 2002 25 USC 1779e. 25 USC 1779f. (A) No PER CAPITA PAYMENTS.—No money received by the Indian Nations hereunder may be used for any per capita payment. (B) INVESTMENT BY SECRETARY.—Except as provided in this section and section 607, the principal of such funds deposited into the accounts established hereunder and any interest earned thereon shall be invested by the Secretary in accordance with current laws and regulations for the investing of tribal trust funds. (C) USE OF PRINCIPAL FUNDS. —The principal amounts of said funds and any amounts earned thereon shall be made available to the Indian Nation for which the account was established for expenditure for purposes which may include construction or repair of health care facilities, law enforcement, cultural or other educational activities, economic development, social services, and land acquisition. Land acquisition using such funds shall be subject to the provisions of subsections (b) and (d). (3) DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS. — The Secretary shall disburse the funds from a trust account established under this section pursuant to a budget adopted by the Council or Legislature of the Indian Nation setting forth the amount and an intended use of such funds. (4) ADDITIONAL RESTRICTION ON USE OF FUNDS.—None of the funds made available under this title niay be allocated or otherwise assigned to authorized purposes of the Arkansas River Multipurpose Project as authorized by the River and Harbor Act of 1946, as amended by the Flood Control Act of 1948 and the Flood Control Act of 1950. SEC. 607. ATTORNEY FEES. (a) PAYMENT.—At the time the funds are paid to the Indian Nations, from funds authorized to be appropriated pursuant to section 605(c), the Secretary shall pay to the Indian Nations' attorneys those fees provided for in the individual tribal attorney fee contracts as approved by the respective Indian Nations. (b) LIMITATIONS.— Notwithstanding subsection (a), the total fees payable to attorneys under such contracts with an Indian Nation shall not exceed 10 percent of that Indian Nation's allocation of funds appropriated under section 605(c). SEC. 608, RELEASE OF OTHER TRIBAL CLAIMS AND FILING OF CLAIMS. (a) EXTINGUISHMENT OF OTHER TRIBAL CLAIMS.— (1) IN GENERAL. —As of the date of enactment of this title— (A) all right, title, and interest of any Indian nation or tribe other than any Indian Nation defined in section 604 (referred to in this section and section 609 as a "claimant tribe") in or to the Disclaimed Drybed Lands, and any such right, title, or interest held by the United States on behalf of such a claimant tribe, shall be considered to be extinguished in accordance with section 177 of title 25, United States Code (section 2116 of the Revised Statutes); (B) if any party other than a claimant tribe holds transferred interests in or to the Disclaimed Drybed Lands in violation of section 177 of title 25, United States Code (section 2116 of the Revised Statutes), Congress approves and ratifies those transfers of interests to the extent that