Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 116 Part 4.djvu/489

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PUBLIC LAW 107-347—DEC. 17, 2002 116 STAT. 2917 (i) the National Archives and Records Administration; (ii) the offices of the Chief Information Officers from Federal agencies; and (iii) other relevant officers from the executive branch; and (B) may include representatives from the Federal legislative and judicial branches. (3) FUNCTIONS.— The Committee shall— (A) engage in public consultation to the maximum extent feasible, including consultation with interested communities such as public advocacy organizations; (B) conduct studies and submit recommendations, as provided under this section, to the Director and Congress; and (C) share effective practices for access to, dissemination of, and retention of Federal information. (4) TERMINATION.—The Committee may be terminated on a date determined by the Director, except the Committee may not terminate before the Committee submits all recommendations required under this section. (d) CATEGORIZING OF INFORMATION.— (1) COMMITTEE FUNCTIONS.— Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the Committee sheill submit recommendations to the Director on— (A) the adoption of standards, which are open to the maximum extent feasible, to enable the organization and categorization of Government information— (i) in a way that is searchable electronically, including by searchable identifiers; and (ii) in ways that are interoperable across agencies; (B) the definition of categories of Government information which should be classified under the standards; and (C) determining priorities and developing schedules for the initial implementation of the standards by agencies. (2) FUNCTIONS OF THE DIRECTOR. —Not later than 1 year after the submission of recommendations under paragraph (1), the Director shall issue policies— (A) requiring that agencies use standards, which are open to the maximum extent feasible, to enable the organization and categorization of Government information— (i) in a way that is searchable electronically, including by searchable identifiers; (ii) in ways that are interoperable across agencies; and (iii) that are, as appropriate, consistent with the provisions under section 3602(f)(8) of title 44, United States Code; (B) defining categories of Government information which shall be required to be classified under the standards; and (C) determining priorities and developing schedules for the initied implementation of the standards by agencies. (3) MODIFICATION OF POLICIES.— After the submission of agency reports under paragraph (4), the Director shall modify Deadline. Deadline. Policies.