Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 117.djvu/1930

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[117 STAT. 1911]
PUBLIC LAW 107-000—MMMM. DD, 2003
[117 STAT. 1911]

PUBLIC LAW 108–148—DEC. 3, 2003

117 STAT. 1911

(2) ADMINISTRATION.—Applied silvicultural assessments and research treatments categorically excluded under paragraph (1)— (A) shall not be carried out in an area that is adjacent to another area that is categorically excluded under paragraph (1) that is being treated with similar methods; and (B) shall be subject to the extraordinary circumstances procedures established by the Secretary pursuant to section 1508.4 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations. (3) MAXIMUM CATEGORICAL EXCLUSION.—The total number of acres categorically excluded under paragraph (1) shall not exceed 250,000 acres. (4) NO ADDITIONAL FINDINGS REQUIRED.—In accordance with paragraph (1), the Secretary shall not be required to make any findings as to whether an applied silvicultural assessment project, either individually or cumulatively, has a significant effect on the environment. SEC. 405. RELATION TO OTHER LAWS.

16 USC 6555.

The authority provided to each Secretary under this title is supplemental to, and not in lieu of, any authority provided to the Secretaries under any other law. SEC. 406. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.

16 USC 6556.

There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary to carry out this title for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2008.


16 USC 6571.

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Agriculture shall establish the healthy forests reserve program for the purpose of restoring and enhancing forest ecosystems— (1) to promote the recovery of threatened and endangered species; (2) to improve biodiversity; and (3) to enhance carbon sequestration. (b) COORDINATION.—The Secretary of Agriculture shall carry out the healthy forests reserve program in coordination with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce. SEC. 502. ELIGIBILITY AND ENROLLMENT OF LANDS IN PROGRAM.

16 USC 6572.

(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Agriculture, in coordination with the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce, shall describe and define forest ecosystems that are eligible for enrollment in the healthy forests reserve program. (b) ELIGIBILITY.—To be eligible for enrollment in the healthy forests reserve program, land shall be— (1) private land the enrollment of which will restore, enhance, or otherwise measurably increase the likelihood of recovery of a species listed as endangered or threatened under section 4 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1533); and

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