Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/2834

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[119 STAT. 2816]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 2816]

119 STAT. 2816 Ante, p. 2336.

118 Stat. 2916.

118 Stat. 93.

117 Stat. 103.

Ante, p. 2300.

PUBLIC LAW 109–148—DEC. 30, 2005

SEC. 5017. (a) Section 613 of Public Law 109–108 is amended by striking ‘‘$500,000 shall be for a grant to Warren County, Virginia, for a community enhancement project;’’ and inserting ‘‘$250,000 shall be for a grant to Warren County, Virginia, for a community enhancement project; $250,000 shall be for a grant to The ARC of Loudoun County for land acquisition and construction;’’. (b) Section 619(a) of division B in Public Law 108–447 is amended by striking ‘‘$50,000 shall be available for a grant for the Promesa Foundation in the Bronx, New York, to provide community growth funding;’’ and inserting ‘‘$50,000 shall be available for a grant to the Promesa Foundation to provide financial assistance to New York area families and organizations under a youth sports and recreational initiative;’’. (c) Section 621 of division B in Public Law 108–199 is amended by striking ‘‘$200,000 shall be available for a grant for the Promesa Foundation in South Bronx, New York, to provide community growth funding;’’ and inserting ‘‘$200,000 shall be available for a grant to the Promesa Foundation to provide financial assistance to New York area families and organizations under a youth sports and recreational initiative;’’. (d) Section 625 of division B in Public Law 108–7 is amended by striking ‘‘$200,000 shall be available for a grant for the Promesa Foundation in South Bronx, New York to provide community growth funding;’’ and inserting ‘‘$200,000 shall be available for a grant to the Promesa Foundation to provide financial assistance to New York area families and organizations under a youth sports and recreational initiative;’’. SEC. 5018. Public Law 109–108 is amended under the heading ‘‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’’ in subparagraph 4 by striking ‘‘authorized by subpart 2 of part E, of title I of the 1968 Act, notwithstanding the provisions of section 511 of said Act’’. (TRANSFER

Ante, p. 2418.

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07:21 Oct 30, 2006


SEC. 5019. The unobligated and unexpended balances of the amount appropriated under the heading ‘‘United States-Canada Railroad Commission’’ by chapter 9 of title II of Public Law 107– 20 shall be transferred as a direct lump-sum payment to the University of Alaska. SEC. 5020. The matter under the heading ‘‘Federal Transit Administration, capital investment grants’’ in title I of division A of Public Law 109–115 is amended by striking ‘‘Virginia, $26,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘Virginia, $30,000,000’’; by striking ‘‘Ohio, $24,770,000’’ and inserting ‘‘Ohio, $24,774,513’’; and by striking ‘‘Metro, Pennsylvania, $2,000,000’’ and inserting ‘‘Metro, Pennsylvania, $4,000,000’’. SEC. 5021. For purposes of compliance with section 205 of Public Law 109–115, a reduction in taxpayer service shall include, but not be limited to, any reduction in available hours of telephone taxpayer assistance on a daily, weekly and monthly basis below the levels in existence during the month of October 2005. SEC. 5022. The referenced statement of the managers under the heading ‘‘Community development fund’’ in Public Law 108– 447 is amended with respect to item number 145 by striking ‘‘Putnam County, Missouri’’ and inserting ‘‘Sullivan County, Missouri’’.

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