Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 119.djvu/2959

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[119 STAT. 2941]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2005
[119 STAT. 2941]

PUBLIC LAW 109–155—DEC. 30, 2005

119 STAT. 2941

(b) FINAL REPORT.—The task force shall transmit to the Administrator and Congress, and make concurrently available to the public, a final report containing such findings, conclusions, and recommendations for corrective actions as have been agreed to by a majority of task force members. Such report shall include any minority views or opinions not reflected in the majority report. (c) APPROVAL.—The independent task force shall not be required to seek the approval of the contents of any of the reports submitted under subsection (a) or (b) by the Administrator or by any person designated by the Administrator prior to the submission of the reports to the Administrator and Congress and to their being made concurrently available to the public. SEC. 805. SUNSET.

The independent task force established under this subtitle shall transmit its final report to the Administrator and to Congress and make it available to the public not later than 1 year after the independent task force is established and shall cease to exist after the transmittal.

Reports. Public information. Deadline.

Subtitle B—Human Space Flight Independent Investigation Commission SEC. 821. DEFINITIONS.

For purposes of this subtitle— (1) the term ‘‘Commission’’ means a Commission established under this title; and (2) the term ‘‘incident’’ means either an accident or a deliberate act. SEC. 822. ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION.

(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The President shall establish an independent, nonpartisan Commission within the executive branch to investigate any incident that results in the loss of— (1) a Space Shuttle; (2) the International Space Station or its operational viability; (3) any other United States space vehicle carrying humans that is owned by the Federal Government or that is being used pursuant to a contract with the Federal Government; or (4) a crew member or passenger of any space vehicle described in this subsection. (b) DEADLINE FOR ESTABLISHMENT.—The President shall establish a Commission within 7 days after an incident specified in subsection (a).



A Commission established pursuant to this subtitle shall, to the extent possible, undertake the following tasks: (1) Investigate the incident. (2) Determine the cause of the incident. (3) Identify all contributing factors to the cause of the incident. (4) Make recommendations for corrective actions.

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