Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1143

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TREATY WITH PARAGUAY. Fmmzuuzr 4, 1859. 1091 Treaty of Friendship, Oommerce, and Navigation, betiveen the United States of America and the Republicqf Paraguay. Uoncluded at Awnczon, February 4, 1859. Rattfed by the President of the United States, March 7, 1860. Erchanged at Washington, Marek 7, 1860. Proclaimed by the President of the United States, Mamh 12, 1860. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A February 4, 1859. Wunnnas a Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between P¤°¤mb]°· the United States of America. and the Republic of Paraguay, was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries at Asuncion on the fourth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fiftymine, the original of which Treaty being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows: A treaty of friendship, commerce, Tratado de Amistad, Comercio y and navigation between the govern- Navegacion entre los Gobiernos de ments of the United States of Amer- la Republics. del Paraguay y de los ica and of the Republic of Paraguay, Estados Unidos de America, concluconcluded and signed in the city of ido y tirmado en la ciudad de la Assumption, the capital of the Re- Asuncion, Capital de la. Republica public of Paraguay, on the fourth del Paraguay el dia cuatro de Feday of February, in the year of our brero en el aiio de Nuestro Seiior Lord one thousand eight hundred do mil ochocientos cincuenta y nueve and 6fly—nine; the eighty-third year el cuadragesimo setimo de la Indeof the Independence of the United pendencia Nacional del Paraguay States of America, and the forty- y el octogesimo tercero de la do los seventh of that of the Republic of Estados Unidos de America. Paraguay. En el nombre de la Santisima In the name of the Most Holy Trinidad. Los Gobiernos de las contracting Trinity! The governments of the dos Republicas del Paraguay en la P*¥'*i°¤· two Republics, the United States of America del Sur, y de los Estados America and of Paraguay, in South Unidos de America, siendo mutua- America, being mutually disposed to mente dispuestos a fomentar mas incherish more intimate relations and timas relaciones y comunicaciones intercourse than those which have que las que han existido hasta ahoheretofore subsisted between them, ra, entre las mismas, y creyeudolo de and believing it to be of mutual ad- utilidad mutua de ajustar las condivantage to adjust the conditions of ciones de tales relaciones iirmando such relations by signing a “ treaty un “Tratado de Amistad, Comercio of friendship, commerce, and navi· y Navegacion," para este objeto han gation," for that object have nomi- nombrado a sus respectivos Pleniponated their respective plenipotentia- tenciarios, a saber: _ ries, that is to say: His Excellency Su Excelencia el Presidente de la the President of the United States Republics del Paraguay ha nombra- Negotigtors. of America has nominated James B. do al Ciudadano Paraguayo Nicolas Bowlin a special Commissioner of Vasquez, Ministro Sccretarip de Esthe United States of America at As- tado y de Relaciones Exteriores de sumption, and his Excellency the la Republics del Paraguay; _ President of the Republic of Para- Y Su Excelencia el Presidente guay has nominated the Paraguayan de los Estados Umdos de America citizen, Nicolas Vasquez, Secretary ha nombrado al Senor James B. V0:.. xr:. Tm·:.i·r.--140