Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/1165

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TREATY WITH THE KANSAS TRIBE OF INDIANS. 00*1*. 5, 1859. 1113 new mode of life and pursuits free from Ithe annoyance and embarrassment thereof, or which may be occasioned thereby, it is agreed that the same shall be liquidated and paid out. of the fund arising from the sale of their surplus lands so far as found valid and just, (if they have the means,) on an examination thereof, to be made by their agent and the Superintendent of Indian Affeirs for the central superintcudency, sulgiect to revision and confirmation by the Secretary of the Interior. Amxcnn VI. Should the proceeds of the surplus lands of the Kansas Provision in tribe of Indians not prove to be sufficient to carry out the purposes and °“f° P’°°?°d“ all stipulations of this agreement, and some further aid be necessary, from am msu L- time to time, to enable said Indians to sustain themselves successfully in agricultural and other industrial pursuits, such additional means may be taken, so far as may be necessary, from the moneys due and belonging to them under the provisions of former treaties, and so much thereof as may be required to furnish further aid as aforesaid shall be applied in such manner, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, as he shall consider best calculated to promote and advance their improvement and welfare. ARTICLE VII. In order to render unnecessary any Further treaty en- Pmineng with gagements or arrangements hereafter with the United States, it is hereby ”’°'** °*` °:a. agreed and stipulated that the President, with the assent of Congress, ¥r°§;’,`§g$m" shall have full power to modify or change any of the provisions of former Kansas Intreaties with the Kansas tribe of Indians in such manner and to whatever d"“" extent he may judge to be necessary and expedient for their welfare and best interest. ARTICLE VIII. All the expenses connected with and incident to the Expense, to be making of this agreement, and the carrying out its provisions, shall be paid out of funds defrayed out of the funds of the Kansas tribe of Indians. 3€mE‘“°“’ I“` Anrrcmc IX. The Kansas tribe of Indians being desirous of manifest- Assignment to ing their good-will towards the children of their halfibreed relatives now %¤ild¤‘¢¤ °GJ¤::_” residing upon the half-breed tract on the north side of the Kansas River, ,,,.*2pau an ° °` agree that out of the tract retained by this agreement there shall also be assigned, in severalty, to the eight children of Julia Pappan forty acres each, to the three children of Adel Bellmard, to the four children of Jasette Gouville, to the child of Lewis Pappan, to the four children of Pelagia Obrey, to the child of Acaw Pappan, to the two children of Victoria Pappan, to the two children of Elizabeth Carboneau, to the child of Victoria Williams, to the child of Joseph Butler, to the child of Joseph James, to the two children of Pelagia Pushal, Frank James, and Batest Gouville, forty acres each, but the land so to be assigned under this article shall not _L•md not w be be alienated in fee, leased, or otherwise disposed of, except to the United ’*h°““°d¤ &’°· States or to other members of the tribe, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of [the] Interior. ARTICLE X. It is agreed that all roads and highways laid out by Right of may authority of law shall have right. of way through the lands within the f°’ *0*6*- reservation hereinbefore specified, on the same terms as are provided by law when roads and highways are made through lands of citizens of the United States; and railroad companies, when the lines pass through _Ll1e lands of said Indians, shall have right, of way on the payment of a Just compensation therefor in money. _ ARTICLE XI. This instrument shall be obligatory on the contracting Agmemont _ parties whenever the same shall be ratiicd by the President and Senate gznylvo be cbh of the United States. In testimony whereof the said Alfred B. Greenwood, oommiesioner as signuum aforesaid, and the said chiefs and headmen of the Kansas tube of Indians, have hereunto set their bands and seals, at the place and on the day and year hereinbefore written.