Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/500

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470 THIRTY—SEVENT H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 119. 1862. Railroad bonds. or coupons or dividends due and payable as aforesaid, the said duty or sum of three per eenhum; and the duties deducted as aforesaid, and certified by the president or other proper ohiccr of said company or corporation, shall be a receipt and discharge, according to the amount thereof, of said railroad companies or railroad corporations, and the owners, possessors, and agents thereof, on dividends and on bonds or other evidences of their indebtedness, upon which interest or coupons are payable, holden by Rehmw tv M any person or party whatsoever, and a. list or return shall be made and

‘a‘}g° “”°" rendered within thirty days after the time fixed when said interest or

` coupons or dividends become due or payable, and as bften as every six months, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the duties received and chargeable, as afbresaid, during the time when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and remaining unaccounted for; and there shall be annexed to every such list or return a declaration under oath or affirmation, in manner and form as may be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of the president, treasurer, or some proper 0Hicer of said railroad company or railroad corporation, that the same contains a true and faithful account of the duties so withheld and received during the time when such duties have accrued or should accrue, and not accounted for, and for any default in the making or rendering of such list or return, with the declaration annexed, as aforesaid, the person or persons owning, possessing, or having the care Penalty for de- or management of such railroad company or railroad corporation, making $*1]*- such default, shall forfeit, as a penalty, the sum of Eve hundred dollars; and in case of any default in making or rendering said list, or of any default in the payment of the duty, or any part thereof, accruing or which should accrue, the assessment and collection shall be made according to the general provisions of this act. BANKS, TRUST COMPANIES, SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS, AND INSURANCE COMPANIES. Banks, trust Src. 82. And be it further enacted, That on and after the first day 9°¤¤P§¤¤3l:?‘:s of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, there shall be levied, collected, g:,?' ,:5;,,,,,,: 'and paid by.al1 banks, trust companies, and savings institutions, and by companies all hre, marine, life, inland, stock, and mutual insurance companies, under whatever style or name known or called, of the United States or Terri- Pvst, pp- 723, tories, specially incorporated or existing under general laws, or which may 7-24* be hereafter incorporated or exist as aforesaid, on all dividends in scrip or money thereafter declared due or paid to stockholders, to policy holders, or to depositors, as part of the earnings, profits, or gains of said banks, trust companies, savings institutions, or insurance companies, and on all sums added to their surplus or contingent funds, n duty of three per D"tY· centum: Provided, That the duties upon the dividends of life insurance companies shall not be deemed due, or to be collected until such dividends shall be payable by such companies. And said banks, trust companies, savings institutions, and insurance companies are hereby authorized and required to deduct and withhold from all payments made to any person, persons, or party, on account of any dividends or sums of money that may be due and payable, as aforesaid, after the first day of July, eighteen "§€*'¤’°° “¤d°*‘ hundred and sixty-two, the said duty of three per centum. And a list or return shall be made and rendered within thirty days after the time fixed when such dividends or sums of money shall be declared due and pay·· able, and as often as every six months, to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the amount of duties accrued or which should accrue from time to time, as aforesaid, during the time when such duties remain unaccounted for, and there shall be annexed to every such list or return a declaration, under oath cr affirmation, to be made in form and manner as shall be prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, of the president, or some other proper