Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/833

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THIRTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Suss. HI. Ch. 106, 107. 1863. 803 Sec. 10. And 6e it further enacted, Thai: said levy court shall have Cmnt may full power to make sanitary rules and regulations in said county, to abate ’““k° ““““’7 . . . . rules and regulanunsanccs, and to pass such ordmances as lt may deem necessary {br thenr ¤,,,,,_ wm md. condemnation and removal, and for the punishment of persons creating ¤¤¤¢=¢¤,&¤- them or suffering them to exist on their premises; which punishment shall not exceed a Ene of twenty dollars, for the use of the county, or imprisonment in the county jail thirty days for each offence. Said levy court shall also have power be pass such ordinances as it may deem neces- Sabbatbbreaksary to eifectually prevent Sabbatbbreaking in said county by hunting, mg' gaming, fishing, or otherwise, on Sunday; to prohibit the killing of such Regulations as game as said court may think proper during certain periods; to regulate *° g“"‘°· fishing in the waters of said county, and to provide for sufficicnt penaltie Fishing. for the violation there0£ And it shall be the duty of the metropolitan Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia. to enforce any and all of the ordi- P°g°° *° °“Q,"°° mmces of the said levy court in the same manner as they are now required {:,;}::3;; gw to enforce the ordinances of the cities of Washington and Georgetown; the funds required for that purpose to be paid by said levy court from the county treasury. And from and after the passage of this act the Limit of power duties of county constable shall be confined exclusively to the service of g{;°“°ty °°”“°* civil process and the collection of strictly private debts within the said · District of Columbia. And each of the county constables holding officc blC°'¤**t{k°°”¤;; at the time of the passage of this act, and each of said constubles here- ,,,~°;f;gim:,? after appointed, shall, before performing any duties required to be performed in his said ofHcc, take the oath of allegiance required by the act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, in addition to any oath of officc required of him at the time, and shall moreover enter into a bond Bondto the United States in the sum of five thousand dollars, with security to be approved by the clerk of the circuit court, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for the punctual payment of all moneys coming into his hands to the persons entitled be receive the same, and shall renew the said bond on the thirty—6rstday of June in R°¤°W¤1· every alternate year of his continuance in odicc. Sec. 11. And be it farther enacted, That the act entitled "An act to L"! ;';“'£ authorize the levy court to issue tavern and other licenses in the District gg2a?;,; of Columbia," approved June twelfth, eighteen hundred and sixty, be S0 ;gso,c1..115. extended as to authorize the levy court to grant licenses to wholesale and 4**% P- 29- retail dealers in goods, wares, or merchandise in the county of Washington outside the limits of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, under .such restrictions and penalties as the said levy court may deem expedient. Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That fines, under any of the ordi- uances of the levy court, may be recovered in the name, and for the usc, Fx, !¤>*•‘ ¥•· 0f said levy court, before any magistrate of said county of Washington, °°v and the person or persons against whom a finc may be imposed shall pay the same at the time it is so imposed with costs, or give security for the payment of such fine and costs, as required by the sixth section of an act entitled “An act to amend ‘ An act; to create a metropolitan police district 1861, ch. 62. of the District of Columbia, and to establish a police t,hcrcfor,"’ ap- 1g‘é;'*:h¥f1g?°§6 proved August six, eighteen hundred and sixty-onc, or shall stand com- Ag;;;, p_5gi, mitbcd till the whole is paid. Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That all laws inconsistent with this dR¤P¢¤¥¤¤s' act are hereby repealed. APPROVED, March 3, 1863. I CHAP- CVII. -An Act supplementary to an Act entitled “An Ast jbr the Reliqf of .M?m Pvlmlfbr Damages sustamed by Reason of Deprgdalions anmunw ljy certam Bands 186% °h· 37- ‘ Qf fsfoW! Indiansfa approved February sixteenth, ezghtun hun and s¢:¢ly—!h1u. Anlu, p. 652. » B6 if cvmcicd by the Smale and House { Rquresentatives of th} United Aatfppiicablo

 SMH ofxlmcrica in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the above fg; °'m”g°°’