Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 12.djvu/93

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THIRTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 162. 1860. 63 of said sale applied in aid of the sum hereby appropriated for the con- . struction of said light-house. O'al·§fomia.—For a. iirsnelass light-house at Cape Mendocino, being the mmmextremc western point of land on the Pacific coast, eighty xlousand dollars. For a light-house at Trinidad Bay, twenty thousand dollars. For a, light-house on Point. del Reys, about twenty-eight miles north of the Golrlen Gate, forty thousand dollars, and for fog or ear sngnals, be erected m connection therewith, upon the recommendation of the L1ghthouse Board, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, two thousand five hundred dollars. For buoying out the channel and the bar at the entragee of'] Humboldt Bay and for three movable beacons to be provided wit ens antems, to be kept in range with the channel, ten thousand dollars. Washington Terr£t0ry.——For a light-house at Gray’s Harbor, and for Wnhipgtqn Tw buoying out. the channel and bar at said harbor, twenty thousand dollars. ¤°°¤'Y· For buoying out the channel of the Columbia River, from the mouth of the Willamette River to the cascade of the Columbia River, five thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further 8H0d9i That no portion of the money herein bslggggdggtug appropriated for the erection of any light-house or beacon light shall be mplans andemp expended until plans; shell be furnished, and contracts made, for the entire m;?:$i(’31°‘}g:°' completion of the smd hght-house or beacon lnght for the sum herem ap- sg appmprg. proprimed. .¤ - SEc. 3. And be it jhrlfzcr enacted, That the sum of twenty thousand $@0,000 fcc dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated and directed to be paid, El"! “‘" “‘$` out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the establishment at the points herein named of such car sivnals as may prove to be satisfactory under the experiments hereinbefore authoriged tg be made that is to say: At West Quoddy Head and Boone sland, in Maine; at Boston, in Massachusetts; at Sandy Hook, in New York; at Charleston, in South Carolina; at Savgnah, Georgia; at the Southwest Pass of the Mississippi River and at. alvesmn. Sm. 4. And be it further 87;dC¢€d,_Tl]3t if preliminary surveys are re- _N¢ces¤¤ry proquired to ascertain the necessity for any light-house or other aid };’:‘;?;;yr::fg§]Y; provided in this bill, or to determine the proper site for the same, or to houses, how ascertain more fully what the public cxigency requires, the Secretary of m¤d°· the Treasury shall cause the necessary examinations and surveys on the sea-board no be made, under the directionmf the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, and those on the lakes to be made under the direction of the Bureau of Topovrapbical Emrineers; and in all cases in which ad· It reports an verse reports are mside, they shall be submitted to Congress at its next “d"°”°· session; and in all cases in which the objects authorized aret favoreblx re- If m,0mb;c_ ported upon the works may be commenced immediately a er vahd tztles and State jxirisdiction shall have been obtained to the sites. Sm. 5. And be it jlu-zizer enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury, T Sccrmrycf on the recommendation of the Ligl1t—h0use Board, be, and he is hereby, $3*3;*3*33;; authorized, in his discretion, to re-establish, from time to time, such lights mmed lightas may have been, or may hereafter be, discontinued as useless, under the g;>§g;g§n’:?°m· authority conferxjd by the aft of third March, ezglxtneenllxmindred and gfcy- gighghcuse nine entitled " n act ma in<>· approprimxons or xv nt- xouses,” an so oa: . fortll, whenever, in the judgmexit of the Secretary of lhe Treasury, epon $$9, 61;;*3- the recommendation of the Light-house Board, such re-estabhshment xs re-‘ P' ‘ uired by public convenience or the necessities of commerce. q Sec. 6. And be it furzher enacted, That. so much of the act approved Light wsse, tc March three, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, as authorizes the erection Nmmmd at ef range beacons, for erossilae the bgr axqd cngeringé tgalvestog {Say, ggwzjton Bay, 1`exas, m place of the lnght xeesel at t at p ace, e an e same In mrc- 1859, 6h_ SL by, repealed, and the light vessel is hereby directed to be restored. v01_ xg_ P, 42; Am>1z0vm>, June 20, 1860.