Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1713

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[120 STAT. 1682]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1682]

120 STAT. 1682

PUBLIC LAW 109–304—OCT. 6, 2006

or trade at a port or place in the British dominions of North America, are being or recently have been— ‘‘(A) denied the privilege of entering the port or place in the same manner and under the same regulations applicable to trading vessels of the most-favored-nation; ‘‘(B) prevented from buying supplies allowed to be sold to trading vessels of the most-favored-nation; or ‘‘(C) otherwise harassed; or ‘‘(3) other vessels of the United States or their masters or crews in waters, ports, or places of the British dominions of North America are being or recently have been— ‘‘(A) denied privileges given to vessels of the mostfavored-nation or their masters or crews; or ‘‘(B) otherwise harassed. ‘‘(b) COVERAGE AND EXCEPTIONS.—The President may apply a proclamation under this section to any of the subjects named, and may include exceptions for vessels in distress or need of supplies. The President may change, revoke, and renew the proclamation. ‘‘(c) PENALTIES.—A person violating a proclamation issued under this section shall be fined under title 18, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both. A vessel or goods found in waters, ports, or places of the United States in violation of the proclamation may be seized by, and forfeited to, the United States Government.


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‘‘§ 60507. Suspension of free passage through Saint Marys Falls Canal ‘‘(a) PURPOSE.—The purpose of this section is to secure reciprocal advantages for the citizens, ports, and vessels of the United States. ‘‘(b) GENERAL AUTHORITY.—When the President is satisfied that vessels of the United States, or passengers or cargo being transported to a port of the United States, are prohibited from passing through a canal or lock connected with the navigation of the Saint Lawrence River, the Great Lakes, or their connecting waterways, or burdened in that passage by tolls or other means that are unreasonable in view of the free passage through the Saint Marys Falls Canal allowed to vessels of all countries, the President by proclamation may suspend the right of free passage through the Saint Marys Falls Canal for vessels owned by subjects of the country imposing the prohibition, tolls, or other burdens and for passengers and cargo being transported to the ports of that country, even when carried in vessels of the United States. The suspension shall apply to the extent and for the time the President considers appropriate. ‘‘(c) IMPOSITION OF TOLL.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—During a suspension under this section, the President shall impose a toll of not more than $2 per ton on cargo and not more than $5 on each passenger. ‘‘(2) EXCEPTIONS.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), a toll may not be imposed on passengers or cargo landed at Ogdensburg, New York, or any port west of Ogdensburg and south of a line drawn from the northern boundary of New York through the Saint Lawrence River, the Great Lakes, and their connecting channels to the northern boundary of Minnesota. ‘‘(d) COLLECTION OF TOLL.—

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