Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/1911

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[120 STAT. 1880]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 1880]

120 STAT. 1880


50 USC 1701 note.

VerDate 14-DEC-2004

13:05 Jul 12, 2007

PUBLIC LAW 109–344—OCT. 13, 2006

(22 U.S.C. 2364(a)(3)), notifies the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate and the Committee on International Relations of the House of Representatives of such determination. (2) END USE ASSURANCES.—For each item exported pursuant to this subsection or subsection (c), the President shall include with the notification to Congress under subparagraphs (A)(ii) and (B)(ii) of paragraph (1)— (A) an identification of the end users to which the provision of assistance is being made; (B) the dollar value of the items being provided; (C) a description of the items being provided; and (D) a description of the end use verification procedures that will be applied to such items, including— (i) any special assurances obtained from the Government of Southern Sudan or other authorized end users regarding such equipment; and (ii) the end use or retransfer controls that will be applied to any items provided under this subsection. (3) WAIVER AUTHORITY.—Section 40 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2780) shall not apply to assistance provided under paragraph (1). (e) EXCEPTION TO PROHIBITIONS IN EXECUTIVE ORDER NUMBER 13067.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the prohibitions set forth with respect to Sudan in Executive Order No. 13067 (62 Fed. Reg. 59989) shall not apply to activities or related transactions with respect to Southern Sudan, Southern Kordofan/Nuba Mountains State, Blue Nile State, Abyei, Darfur, or marginalized areas in and around Khartoum. SEC. 9. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.

Section 8 of the Sudan Peace Act (Public Law 107–245; 50 U.S.C. 1701 note) is amended— (1) by redesignating subsection (c) as subsection (g); and (2) by inserting after subsection (b) the following: ‘‘(c) REPORT ON AFRICAN UNION MISSION IN SUDAN.—Until such time as AMIS concludes its mission in Darfur, in conjunction with the other reports required under this section, the Secretary of State, in consultation with all relevant Federal departments and agencies, shall prepare and submit a report, to the appropriate congressional committees, regarding— ‘‘(1) a detailed description of all United States assistance provided to the African Union Mission in Sudan (referred to in this subsection as ‘AMIS’) since the establishment of AMIS, reported by fiscal year and the type and purpose of such assistance; and ‘‘(2) the level of other international assistance provided to AMIS, including assistance from countries, regional and international organizations, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the European Union, the Arab League, and the United Nations, reported by fiscal year and the type and purpose of such assistance, to the extent possible. ‘‘(d) REPORT ON SANCTIONS IN SUPPORT OF PEACE IN DARFUR.— In conjunction with the other reports required under this section, the Secretary of State shall submit a report to the appropriate congressional committees regarding sanctions imposed under section 6 of the Comprehensive Peace in Sudan Act of 2004, including—

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