Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2401

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[120 STAT. 2370]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2370]

120 STAT. 2370

PUBLIC LAW 109–364—OCT. 17, 2006 Subtitle C—Counter-Drug Activities

Sec. 1021. Extension of authority of Department of Defense to provide additional support for counterdrug activities of other governmental agencies. Sec. 1022. Extension and expansion of Department of Defense authority to provide support for counter-drug activities of certain foreign governments. Sec. 1023. Extension of authority to support unified counterdrug and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia. Sec. 1024. Continuation of reporting requirement regarding Department of Defense expenditures to support foreign counterdrug activities. Sec. 1025. Report on interagency counter-narcotics plan for Afghanistan and South and Central Asian regions. Sec. 1026. Report on United States support for Operation Bahamas, Turks & Caicos. Subtitle D—Force Structure and Defense Policy Matters Sec. 1031. Improvements to Quadrennial Defense Review. Sec. 1032. Quarterly reports on implementation of 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review Report. Sec. 1033. Report on feasibility of establishing a regional combatant command for Africa. Sec. 1034. Determination of Department of Defense intratheater and intertheater airlift requirements and sealift mobility requirements. Sec. 1035. Presidential report on improving interagency support for United States 21st century national security missions and interagency operations in support of stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations. Subtitle E—Reports Sec. 1041. Additional element in annual report on chemical and biological warfare defense. Sec. 1042. Report on biodefense human capital requirements in support of biosafety laboratories. Sec. 1043. Report on technologies for neutralizing or defeating threats to military rotary-wing aircraft from portable air defense systems and rocket-propelled grenades. Sec. 1044. Reports on expanded use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the National Airspace System. Sec. 1045. Report on incentives to encourage certain members and former members of the Armed Forces to serve in the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection. Sec. 1046. Repeal of certain report requirements. Sec. 1047. Requirement for identification of recently enacted recurring reporting requirements applicable to the Department of Defense. Subtitle F—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations on Availability and Use of Funds Sec. 1051. Acceptance and retention of reimbursement from non-Federal sources to defray Department of Defense costs of conferences. Sec. 1052. Increased flexibility in use of funds for Joint Staff exercises. Sec. 1053. Prohibition on parking of funds. Sec. 1054. Modification of authorities relating to the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction. Subtitle G—Matters Involving Detainees Sec. 1061. Provision of information to Congress on certain criminal investigations and prosecutions involving detainees. Subtitle H—Other Matters Sec. 1071. Technical and clerical amendments. Sec. 1072. Revision to authorities relating to Commission on the Implementation of the New Strategic Posture of the United States. Sec. 1073. Revised deadline for submission of final report of EMP Commission. Sec. 1074. Extension of returning worker exemption to H–2B numerical limitation. Sec. 1075. Patent term extensions for the badges of the American Legion, the American Legion Women’s Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion. Sec. 1076. Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies. Sec. 1077. Increased hunting and fishing opportunities for members of the Armed Forces, retired members, and disabled veterans.

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