Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2406

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[120 STAT. 2375]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2375]

PUBLIC LAW 109–364—OCT. 17, 2006

120 STAT. 2375

(2) Gerald R. Ford was commissioned in the Naval Reserve in 1942 and served valiantly at sea on the U.S.S. Monterey (CVL–26) during World War II, taking part in major operations in the Pacific, including at Makin Island, Kwajalein, Truk, Saipan, and the Philippine Sea. (3) Gerald R. Ford received 9 engagement stars and 2 bronze stars for his service in the Navy during World War II. (4) Gerald R. Ford was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1948. (5) During 25 years of service in the House of Representatives, Gerald R. Ford distinguished himself by an exemplary record for character, decency, and trustworthiness. (6) Throughout his service in the House of Representatives, Gerald R. Ford was an ardent proponent of strong national defense and international leadership by the United States. (7) From 1965 to 1973, Gerald R. Ford served as minority leader of the House of Representatives, raising the standard for bipartisanship in his tireless fight for freedom, hope, and justice. (8) In 1973, Gerald R. Ford was appointed by President Nixon to the office of Vice President of the United States under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, having been confirmed by overwhelming majorities in both Houses of Congress. (9) On August 9, 1974, Gerald R. Ford became the 38th President of the United States, taking office during one of the most challenging periods in the history of the United States. (10) As President from August 9, 1974, to January 20, 1977, Gerald R. Ford restored the faith of the people of the United States in the office of the President through his steady leadership, courage, and ultimate integrity. (11) As President, Gerald R. Ford helped restore the prestige of the United States in the world community by working to achieve peace in the Middle East, preserve detente with the Soviet Union, and set new limits on the spread of nuclear weapons. (12) As President, Gerald R. Ford served as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces with great dignity, supporting a strong Navy and a global military presence for the United States and honoring the members of the Armed Forces. (13) Since leaving the office of President, Gerald R. Ford has been an international ambassador of American goodwill, a noted scholar and lecturer, a strong supporter of human rights, and a promoter of higher education. (14) Gerald R. Ford was awarded the Medal of Freedom and the Congressional Gold Medal in 1999 in recognition of his contribution to the Nation. (15) As President, Gerald R. Ford bore the weight of a constitutional crisis and guided the Nation on a path of healing and restored hope, earning forever the enduring respect and gratitude of the Nation. (b) NAMING OF CVN–78 AIRCRAFT CARRIER.—It is the sense of Congress that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the Navy designated as CVN–78 should be named the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford.

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