Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2652

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[120 STAT. 2621]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2621]

PUBLIC LAW 109–366—OCT. 17, 2006

120 STAT. 2621

‘‘(d) APPEAL FROM ADVERSE RULING.—The United States may appeal an adverse ruling on an appeal under subsection (c) to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by filing a petition for review in the Court of Appeals within 10 days after the date of such ruling. Review under this subsection shall be at the discretion of the Court of Appeals.


‘‘§ 950e. Rehearings ‘‘(a) COMPOSITION OF MILITARY COMMISSION FOR REHEARING.— Each rehearing under this chapter shall take place before a military commission under this chapter composed of members who were not members of the military commission which first heard the case. ‘‘(b) SCOPE OF REHEARING.—(1) Upon a rehearing— ‘‘(A) the accused may not be tried for any offense of which he was found not guilty by the first military commission; and ‘‘(B) no sentence in excess of or more than the original sentence may be imposed unless— ‘‘(i) the sentence is based upon a finding of guilty of an offense not considered upon the merits in the original proceedings; or ‘‘(ii) the sentence prescribed for the offense is mandatory. ‘‘(2) Upon a rehearing, if the sentence approved after the first military commission was in accordance with a pretrial agreement and the accused at the rehearing changes his plea with respect to the charges or specifications upon which the pretrial agreement was based, or otherwise does not comply with pretrial agreement, the sentence as to those charges or specifications may include any punishment not in excess of that lawfully adjudged at the first military commission. ‘‘§ 950f. Review by Court of Military Commission Review ‘‘(a) ESTABLISHMENT.—The Secretary of Defense shall establish a Court of Military Commission Review which shall be composed of one or more panels, and each such panel shall be composed of not less than three appellate military judges. For the purpose of reviewing military commission decisions under this chapter, the court may sit in panels or as a whole in accordance with rules prescribed by the Secretary. ‘‘(b) APPELLATE MILITARY JUDGES.—The Secretary shall assign appellate military judges to a Court of Military Commission Review. Each appellate military judge shall meet the qualifications for military judges prescribed by section 948j(b) of this title or shall be a civilian with comparable qualifications. No person may be serve as an appellate military judge in any case in which that person acted as a military judge, counsel, or reviewing official. ‘‘(c) CASES TO BE REVIEWED.—The Court of Military Commission Review, in accordance with procedures prescribed under regulations of the Secretary, shall review the record in each case that is referred to the Court by the convening authority under section 950c of this title with respect to any matter of law raised by the accused. ‘‘(d) SCOPE OF REVIEW.—In a case reviewed by the Court of Military Commission Review under this section, the Court may act only with respect to matters of law.

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