Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/2945

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[120 STAT. 2914]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 2914]

120 STAT. 2914

PUBLIC LAW 109–428—DEC. 20, 2006

‘‘(J) ‘Super 170’s’ or ‘170’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 15.25 microns or finer; ‘‘(K) ‘Super 180’s’ or ‘180’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 14.75 microns or finer; ‘‘(L) ‘Super 190’s’ or ‘190’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 14.25 microns or finer; ‘‘(M) ‘Super 200’s’ or ‘200’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 13.75 microns or finer; ‘‘(N) ‘Super 210’s’ or ‘210’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 13.25 microns or finer; ‘‘(O) ‘Super 220’s’ or ‘220’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 12.75 microns or finer; ‘‘(P) ‘Super 230’s’ or ‘230’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 12.25 microns or finer; ‘‘(Q) ‘Super 240’s’ or ‘240’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 11.75 microns or finer; and ‘‘(R) ‘Super 250’s’ or ‘250’s’, if the average diameter of wool fiber of such wool product does not average 11.25 microns or finer. In each such case, the average fiber diameter of such wool product may be subject to such standards or deviations as adopted by regulation by the Commission. ‘‘(6) In the case of a wool product stamped, tagged, labeled, or otherwise identified as cashmere, if— ‘‘(A) such wool product is not the fine (dehaired) undercoat fibers produced by a cashmere goat (capra hircus laniger); ‘‘(B) the average diameter of the fiber of such wool product exceeds 19 microns; or ‘‘(C) such wool product contains more than 3 percent (by weight) of cashmere fibers with average diameters that exceed 30 microns. The average fiber diameter may be subject to a coefficient of variation around the mean that shall not exceed 24 percent.’’.

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