Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/440

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[120 STAT. 409]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 409]

PUBLIC LAW 109–233—JUNE 15, 2006

120 STAT. 409

‘‘(2) Whenever a veteran or dependent first applies for any benefit under laws administered by the Secretary (including a request for burial or related benefits or an application for life insurance proceeds), the Secretary shall provide to the veteran or dependent information concerning benefits and health care services under programs administered by the Secretary. Such information shall be provided not later than three months after the date of such application. ‘‘(d) PROVISION OF AID AND ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall provide, to the maximum extent possible, aid and assistance (including personal interviews) to members of the Armed Forces, veterans, and eligible dependents with respect to subsections (b) and (c) and in the preparation and presentation of claims under laws administered by the Department. ‘‘(e) ASSIGNMENT OF EMPLOYEES.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall assign such employees as the Secretary considers appropriate to conduct outreach programs and provide outreach services for homeless veterans. Such outreach services may include site visits through which homeless veterans can be identified and provided assistance in obtaining benefits and services that may be available to them. ‘‘§ 6304. Veterans assistance offices ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall establish and maintain veterans assistance offices at such places throughout the United States and its territories and possessions, and in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The Secretary may maintain such offices on such military installations located elsewhere as the Secretary, after consultation with the Secretary of Defense and taking into account recommendations, if any, of the Secretary of Labor, determines to be necessary to carry out such purposes. ‘‘(b) LOCATION OF OFFICES.—In establishing and maintaining such offices, the Secretary shall give due regard to— ‘‘(1) the geographical distribution of veterans recently discharged or released from active military, naval, or air service; ‘‘(2) the special needs of educationally disadvantaged veterans (including their need for accessibility of outreach services); and ‘‘(3) the necessity of providing appropriate outreach services in less populated areas.




‘‘§ 6305. Outstationing of counseling and outreach personnel ‘‘The Secretary may station employees of the Department at locations other than Department offices, including educational institutions, to provide— ‘‘(1) counseling and other assistance regarding benefits under this title to veterans and other persons eligible for benefits under this title; and ‘‘(2) outreach services under this chapter. ‘‘§ 6306. Use of other agencies ‘‘(a) In carrying out this chapter, the Secretary shall arrange with the Secretary of Labor for the State employment service to match the particular qualifications of an eligible veteran or eligible dependent with an appropriate job or job training opportunity, including, where possible, arrangements for outstationing the State

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