Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 120.djvu/668

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[120 STAT. 637]
PUBLIC LAW 109-000—MMMM. DD, 2006
[120 STAT. 637]

PUBLIC LAW 109–248—JULY 27, 2006

120 STAT. 637

agencies and other local government officials, and representatives of community public interest organizations, including schools and youth-serving organizations, faith-based, and victims’ organizations and employers. ‘‘(b) APPLICATION.—To request a grant under this section, an organization described in subsection (a) shall submit an application to the Attorney General in such form and containing such information as the Attorney General may require. ‘‘(c) USE OF FUNDS.—An organization that receives a grant under this section shall— ‘‘(1) create and promote national public communications campaigns; ‘‘(2) develop and distribute publications and other educational materials that promote crime prevention; ‘‘(3) design and maintain web sites and related web-based materials and tools; ‘‘(4) design and deliver training for law enforcement personnel, community leaders, and other partners in public safety and hometown security initiatives; ‘‘(5) design and deliver technical assistance to States, local jurisdictions, and crime prevention practitioners and associations; ‘‘(6) coordinate a coalition of Federal, national, and statewide organizations and communities supporting crime prevention; ‘‘(7) design, deliver, and assess demonstration programs; ‘‘(8) operate McGruff-related programs, including McGruff Club; ‘‘(9) operate the Teens, Crime, and Community Program; and ‘‘(10) evaluate crime prevention programs and trends. ‘‘(d) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.—There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section— ‘‘(1) for fiscal year 2007, $7,000,000; ‘‘(2) for fiscal year 2008, $8,000,000; ‘‘(3) for fiscal year 2009, $9,000,000; and ‘‘(4) for fiscal year 2010, $10,000,000.’’. SEC. 627. GRANTS FOR FINGERPRINTING PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN.

42 USC 16984.

(a) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General shall establish and implement a program under which the Attorney General may make grants to States, units of local government, and Indian tribal governments in accordance with this section. (b) USE OF GRANT AMOUNTS.—A grant made to a State, unit of local government, or Indian tribal government under subsection (a) shall be distributed to law enforcement agencies within the jurisdiction of such State, unit, or tribal government to be used for any of the following activities: (1) To establish a voluntary fingerprinting program for children, which may include the taking of palm prints of children. (2) To hire additional law enforcement personnel, or train existing law enforcement personnel, to take fingerprints of children. (3) To provide information within the community involved about the existence of such a fingerprinting program.

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