Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 121.djvu/38

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PUBLIC LAW 110-000—MMMM. DD, 2007

PUBLIC LAW 110–5—FEB. 15, 2007

121 STAT. 17

Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. ‘‘SEC. 20124. Of the appropriations available for payments for the nutrition and family education program for low-income areas under section 3(d) of the Smith-Lever Act (7 U.S.C. 343(d)), if the payment allocation pursuant to section 1425(c) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3175(c)) would be less than $100,000 for any institution eligible under section 3(d)(2) of the Smith-Lever Act, the Secretary of Agriculture shall adjust payment allocations under section 1425(c) of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 to ensure that each institution receives a payment of not less than $100,000. ‘‘CHAPTER 2—DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE

dkrause on GSDDPC44 with PUBLAW

‘‘SEC. 20201. For purposes of title I, the appropriations Acts listed in section 101(a) shall be deemed to include the Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2006 for purposes of activities of the Department of Defense under the ‘Environmental Restoration’ accounts. ‘‘SEC. 20202. In addition to amounts otherwise provided in this division or any other Act, amounts are appropriated for certain military activities of the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, as follows: ‘‘(1) For an additional amount for ‘Military Personnel, Army’, $3,902,556,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Army on active duty. ‘‘(2) For an additional amount for ‘Military Personnel, Navy’, $3,726,778,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Navy on active duty. ‘‘(3) For an additional amount for ‘Military Personnel, Marine Corps’, $1,241,965,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Marine Corps on active duty. ‘‘(4) For an additional amount for ‘Military Personnel, Air Force’, $3,278,835,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Air Force on active duty. ‘‘(5) For an additional amount for ‘Reserve Personnel, Army’, $321,642,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Army Reserve on active duty. ‘‘(6) For an additional amount for ‘Reserve Personnel, Navy’, $204,115,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Navy Reserve on active duty. ‘‘(7) For an additional amount for ‘Reserve Personnel, Marine Corps’, $43,082,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Marine Corps Reserve on active duty. ‘‘(8) For an additional amount for ‘Reserve Personnel, Air Force’, $76,218,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Air Force Reserve on active duty. ‘‘(9) For an additional amount for ‘National Guard Personnel, Army’, $457,226,000, to be available for the basic allowance for housing for members of the Army National Guard on active duty.

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